With the assistance of a private investigator through your handheld radio, you sneak down into the depths of Fredbear's Family Diner—seeking out clues for the whereabouts of your s...
The Paranormal Research team from the hit A&E TV show Paranormal State is called in to investigate a terrifying supernatural event at Poison Spring State Park, historical site to a...
Black Dahlia is a suspense thriller based loosely on the unsolved California murder of Elizabeth Short, nicknamed Black Dahlia for her favoritism towards black clothing. The game...
Follow the fear of Benedek Dohnany and Nikolay Kalyakin and play the onset of a dark and chilling narrative adventure. Make decisions and affect the events that precede a macabre s...
The Fall of Gyes is a sci-fi visual novel series with stunning cinematic quality and an intriguing story inspired by classic sci-fi horror movies like The Thing, Aliens or Promethe...
Seven Photos is a murder mystery game where you have 7 photos to figure out exactly how and why you woke up, without memories, outside a locked room containing two presumably dead...
Inspired by the novel of Gustave Flaubert and the works of Phillippe Druillet, Salammbo: Battle for Carthage puts you in the middle of two of antiquities greatest powers. Can you d...
An adventure game where you can play up to six different professions.
Awaking in a mind you don’t know to a world you can’t remember. Surrounded by things that can’t be real, haunted by experiences long forgotten.
There's really no better way to spend a day in the Land of the Dead than at the Carnage-Val...there are rides, games, and a veritable sideshow of quirky employees. However, for one...
Hatching is a short retro-inspired, point-and-click virtual pet experience based on the Finnish horror film Hatching (2022).
What could happen to two lovers who decided for a short break in Venice, Italy? Among all the possible scenarios, being pulled apart and tricked by a demon is certainly not what Da...
Haunted by dark thoughts and tormented by the faces of past lovers, seek out the source of the darkness that holds you. The Restless is a short point and click psychological hor...
Tomorrow is the day that you publish your debut novel. But tonight is the night in which your date’s hideous painting has fallen off the wall and killed him, leaving you trapped in...
From the Woods is a short horror story about friendship and the supernatural. Disturbing incidents begin happening after the arrival of a new patient at Fernwood Creek Mental Healt...
Merry Christmas, Alfred Robbins is a point-and-click adventure game made in roughly two weeks about an ordinary man who works hard to support his wife and son. Although it seems li...
Paradigm Shift You awake from a terrifying nightmare to discover that your home city of River Lake has been devastated by an explosion at a neuroscience laboratory.
You are an ace reporter with the Herald Tribune and investigator into the bizarre. You've just stumbled onto a story about an underground connection that links the magic of the pas...
You are stuck inside a nightmare dream. Something lurks in the darkness... Something in the depths of your own mind wants to pull you even deeper. Someone will escape this dream fo...
Somewhere deep within the woods a timeless force is stirring. Beneath the ancient burial mound, known locally as Barrow Hill, a forgotten myth awakes. Join the adventure, and unco...
A film-noir inspired, supernatural detective story. Rick McCarthy is a private detective marred by a secretive and destructive past. He is pulled into a world of blood sacrifice...
Explore the abandoned Ghost Town of Bodie and solve the mystery of Evelyn Byers, a little girl who died over a hundred years ago! Tourists have reported seeing the ghost of Evelyn,...
Colin’s apartment maze has puzzles, dialogues, and some dry humor waiting for you. A surreal adventure of a special kind.
A Heart between Parts is a classic Point and Click adventure game made for LUDUM DARE #33 gamejam with the theme You are the Monster. You take on the role of a scientific experimen...
It is 2007. You are a security guard at the mysterious agency 'the FCL'. It's your first night on the job. What will you uncover? At what cost? Look through CCTV cameras and sift t...
Five Nights With James is a Five Nights At Freddy's Fan game which contains funny memes and funny lore.
Here you are, at the final depth. Danger lurks behind every corner, even the Shadow People are afraid of this place. Will you be able to get back to the surface and wake up? Or wil...
A witch on the roof of a scary old house. Black cats, cobwebs, and a crescent moon - all too creepy! In this point & click adventure, your task is to guide the main character Maril...