The protagonist lives with her mother in a tenement house in the Shinbashi section of the Imperial capital. Having lost her father in an accident, she works to make a living to sup...
The first of the four Starry Sky games starring the characters from the drama CD's of the same name. Starry Sky takes place at Seigatsu Gakuen, a school which specializes in horos...
Castle Break is an interactive romance novel developed and published by NTT Solmare.
A visual novel based on the manga/anime series of the same name.
Taking place two months after Kinema Mosaic.
Wonderful Twin World is a continuation of Heart no Kuni no Alice, and its fandisc.
Survive high school and find love with a beautiful devil and two half-animal cuties!
An otome game in the Hiiro no Kakera series.
A sequel to the first Kimi ni Todoke game for the Nintendo DS.
The third of the four Starry Sky games starring the characters from the drama CD's of the same name. Starry Sky takes place at Seigatsu Gakuen, a school which specializes in horos...
A relaxing adventure/visual novel game in an open environment where you can explore a remote island together with your childhood friend!
Sound Novel Tsukuuru is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Success and published by ASCII Entertainment, which was released in Japan in 1996. It is a Satellaview-compatible Slotted...
Announcing Master of A Secret Dream World from our Bishoujo Story Contest winner - Nathaniel! Alone in a deserted, ethereal world where the sun never sets, you and your companion...
Junpaku no Tenshitachi takes place in a hospital and is a mystery-romance story. The protagonist is a patient, injured due to being trampled by a horse in the beginning.
Finally, your favorite strategy game is about to make its demon race playable! You’ve always wanted to fight on the villains’ side, but that dream soon becomes your new reality whe...
Kiniro no Corda is the starting title for the third major Neoromance series, Kiniro no Corda. This particular title is reputed for its crushing difficulty with simulation fans and...
Вы Эйвери Грей, новый сотрудник популярного кошачьего кафе под названием Кошачья лапа. Кофе хороший, а персонал дружелюбный (и довольно милый!) но загадочный. Однажды вы находите в...
Crimson Empire: Circumstances to Serve a Noble was originally released in 2008, with later releases being on the PS2, PSP, and PSVita, the PSVita form getting updated art.
5th Alice world otome game by Quin Rose.
Sequel + fandisc to Shinobi, Koi Utsutsu.
Недавно прибывшая в школу-интернат в Викторианской Англии, Сара Крю использует свою любовь к книгам и рассказыванию историй для построения новых отношений. Но что происходит со ска...
Ayakashi Gohan: Oomori! is a Japanese otome game developed by honeybee+ and published by Asgard released in 2015. It is the PS Vita port of the original PC game titled Ayakashi Goh...