“A Painter's Tale” is an adventure game that tells the story of the tiny Südtirol village of Curon Venosta by mixing reality and fiction. The old Curon was flooded by the waters of...
1893 is an interactive fiction game that is accompanied by photography. The game explores Chicago's seedy history of crime; in this case, theft and kidnapping.
First person multiplayer action/adventure game set during the Age of Sail. Providing an authentic interactive experience of the 18th century Caribbean through sailing, combat, trad...
Chornobyl Liquidators is not a fantastic tale of exploring the Zone. It's a story about real people facing a real threat — the CNPP disaster. Invisible radiation, KGB, difficult mo...
A handpainted cozy hidden object adventure. Explore a surreal world. Collect items for its quirky inhabitants. Fix damaged paintings and solve casual puzzles. Help a lost skeleton...