The player takes control of a magical human fighter who has the ability to transform himself into a flying dragon. As the fighter, the player can run, crouch, jump, and attack with...
Magic Knight Rayearth (魔法騎士レイアース) is a 1994 RPG by Sega for the Sega Game Gear tying into CLAMP's Magic Knight Rayearth manga. It was followed by Magic Knight Rayearth 2:...
A three-in-one cartridge containing the original Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and World Class Track Meet.
Fate/Empire of Dirt is an adult fan game Visual Novel RPG based on the universe of Type-Moon. The game mixes elements from the Visual Novel genre, with the way the story is present...
Rance 03 is a remake of the Rance III classic, featuring completely new art, an updated scenario, and a revised system. Much comparable with those of the Rance 01 remake. The game...