Following her graduation from middle school, Konomi Yuzuhara enters the same high school as Takāki Kono, her childhood friend. As the new school year begins, they meet their childh...
The Story You're an average, 25-year-old girl whose life consists of working at the local library, keeping up your family's shrine, and not much else. However, that all changes whe...
Sakura Wars - это стратегическая ролевая игра с уникальной сюжетной системой, основанной на симуляторе. Как и в любой другой ролевой игре, здесь есть глубокая сюжетная линия, однак...
Однажды Кьяран Эндьейн читает странное электронное письмо, отправленное неизвестным человеком, который советует ему пойти в определенный парк, чтобы вернуть определенный предмет, к...
A boys' love kinetic novel about a human who meets a vampire.
Best Friend Forever is the world’s first simulation game to combine pet care and dating (just not necessarily at the same time). Train, pat and play with your very own dog to form...
A fantasy otome game based on the myths and legends of Hokkaido, Japan. Meet and fight with unique Gods, overcome fierce trials together, and discover what happens when you pursue...
It’s a new year at Souin High, and you’re passing the time the only way you know how—hiding away at the back of the class. However, when you’re asked to help improve a simple post...
“Eye Can See You” is an otome horror game that follows a girl with psychic abilities that allows her to see spirits. As she enters a new school, she finds spirits residing in her s...
Eikoku Tantei Mysteria is a 2013 otome visual novel video game for the PlayStation Portable created by Karin Entertainment and published by Marvelous in Japan.
Aoi, a third year middle school student who attends an all-boy's junior and senior high school. Hinata, the mysterious Dead of Night Man who only appears at 2 A.M. beneath the saku...
Повествовательная приключенческая игра от первого лица об исследовании культового комплекса в отдаленной пустыне Нью-Мексико. Узнайте о жизни бывших обитателей - что свело их вмест...
Angelique Retour is the remake of Angelique. It was one of the surprise announcements during the Neoromance 20th Anniversary stage event, the other being Harukanaru Toki no Naka de...
I want to see the shooting stars that fall onto the stage. That's the dream of the manager of the agency. These four individualistic new idols were grouped for this purpose. Named...
A new standalone expansion of Go! Go! Nippon! that includes 50% more content, including new sightseeing locations and love interest events. New shitamachi locations and historical...
Love, Election & Chocolate Portable is a PlayStation Portable port of the romance visual novel that puts the player in the shoes of a male student named Yuuki Oojima. The game is m...
Вечер такой же обычный, как и для Лондона, Англия, когда закрываются занавесы 19-го века. Висит густой туман, заслоняющий сияние луны и скромный свет газовых фонарей. С оглушительн...
A text-based game where you navigate the tricky headspace of a teenager who is going to see a movie with his friend. There’s no underlying intent to watching this movie. You’re...
Now included in the Story Jar app. “Who’s Guilty Alice... Are you talking about me?” When I open my eyes, I find myself standing in a defendant’s seat. At the moment I am about to...
A Vita otome game by Otomate.
A life-risking journey to the Underworld.
Five Nights at F***boy’s is a FNaF fangame created by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw in RPG Maker VX Ace featuring unfair difficulty, text-to-speech voice acting, and beautiful, beauti...
Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai Portable is a romantic comedy visual novel developed by guyzware and published by Banpresto. Unlike the original story of the light no...