Can you take him in for a while? - One fateful night an old friend drops by with an orphan boy and asks me to take him in. And not just any boy - there seem to be some hidden secre...
Nami - a perfect student - accepts a special award on her Graduation Day - but suddenly finds herself facing the horrors of a one-day nightmare.
ValiDate is a visual novel about thirteen struggling singles navigating through soul-sucking 9-to-5s, quarter-life crises, and the harsh truths millennials learn as soon as they hi...
You are the only survivor from a team of explorers set to discover the misteries of King Minos, Ancient Greece and the mythological beast Minotaur.
Year 3999 Aboard The Adamant Gambit. the planet was supposed to be empty...
Fault: Stp - Lightkravte is the latest entry in the fault series, which has shipped over 500,000 copies worldwide. Lightkravte presents its story through the eyes of Khaji Oberg, a...
Burnt out on the dullness of your play sessions, you voyage into the mountains to seek out a legendary Game Master. However, you quickly regret your decision after his game becomes...
You can play as a newcomer to the town starting a new life and date the 12 uncles
As Jacob Lee, you've been sent to live with your Aunt in the last days of winter vacation following a terrible family tragedy. Meet new people, make choices, and explore the spaces...
Tree Trunk Brook is a tiny adventure game about hiking during the pandemic. Follow trail blazes, take photos, make friends, and find lost items. The visitor center is closed, but t...
This is an isolated town, a town of memories that have been forgotten by the people. However, this small town has not been quiet and peaceful since the murders began. Old memories...
Inspired by classic visual novels such as Fate/Stay Night, Episicava is an action/adventure story following Arin Arlento and his female companions as they navigate their world’s tr...
Tales From Windy Meadow is a slice-of-life interactive story about choosing your path and living in a community. Help three protagonists make the most important choices of their li...
Welcome to the Kabaret - where monsters from Southeast Asian myths and folklores dwell. Decipher tea leaves, play traditional games, and question your humanity. Cursed into a mons...
This 8bit game is a port from a mystery source...This casual, linier, interactive story game centers around a campfire with old friends telling... tales.
The Time I Have Left is a time-driven escape adventure with RPG elements set in a complex underground facility. A mysterious phenomenon known only as ‘The Miasma’ has marked Aline...
Возможность управлять судьбой была бы благословением для многих. Для Мийон это ее величайшее проклятие. Восточная и Западная Тария находятся в конфликте, и сила Мийона будет самым...
Испытайте романтическую Англию времен регентства в этом роскошном пасьянсе. Разыграйте свои карты правильно, совершая экскурсию по историческому Лондону, Брайтону и Бату, и помогит...
Представьте, что вы самый популярный ребенок в школе. На самом деле, ты настолько популярна, что встречаешься со всеми до единого людьми в своем классе. Единственная проблема? Ты р...
Hack and slash game with some elements of Japanese visual novel. Numerous unique rivals, Bosses await you: Reisen Udongein Inaba, Remilia Scarlet, Komachi Onozuka, Reimu Hakurei an...
A collection of very short stories. Xoxo Blood Droplets is an absurd, dark comedy, twisted romance Visual Novel about terrible things happening to terrible people. The fun comes no...