Now included in the Dear Otome app. The game is set at the luxurious apartment in Kaleido City, and it is called Lilac Court, where many celebrities reside. One day, the heroine mo...
Suuran Digit is a Japanese otome visual novel. It is described as a romance visual novel for ladies and as a contemporary Japanese-style fantasy.
SoulSet - это визуальный роман в жанре мистики и романтики, в котором вы можете попытаться избежать смерти и наладить отношения как с мужскими, так и с женскими персонажами. Вы игр...
Королевство Новус было повергнуто в смятение, и вам решать, поможете ли вы установить мир или будете разжигать пламя хаоса. Окунитесь в мир высоких фантазий, пропитанный политическ...
A visual novel where your choices determine the future of your relationship and the success of your colony. Choose how to treat your husband and how to spend your free time in this...
Doki x Doki Sasete!! is a visual novel for the Game Boy Color.
Miss Princess Miss Pri is an otome game from Ruby Party and Koei-Tecmo based on a shoujo manga by Seizuki Madoka.
A Clockwork Ley-Line: Flowers Falling in the Morning Mist is the third and last game of UnisonShift Blossom’s magical mystery visual novel series A Clockwork Ley-Line.
In My Forged Wedding, the player takes on the role of a recent university graduate who must trade a few days in a false marriage for the job of her dreams.
A fantasy otome game by Cybird.
Если ты любишь кого-то, отпусти его. К сожалению, сначала ты должен полюбить ее! Это единственный способ избавиться от Псевдо, таинственной призрачной женщины, которая была прикова...
A PC otome game.
Will O' Wisp is an otome game, developed and published by Otomate, which was released in Japan in 2007.
S.Y.K: Shinsetsu Saiyuuki is a otome game for PlayStation 2.
After living alone with your dad for the past ten years, he has some news—he's getting married and you're getting a stepsister! Fortunately, it turns out that she's one of the kind...
Bustafellows Season 2 is an otome visual novel developed and published by eXtend. Everyone wants answers. Who is to blame? What went wrong? And what must the punishment be? To pre...
Секреты меня - это игра, в которой после пластической операции вы можете преследовать горячего парня, чтобы заставить его влюбиться в вас! Если вы устали от типичных игр otome, то...