Lumina, a young Teslamancer, finds herself stranded after her airship crashes in Wyrmheim, a remote and treacherous land to the North. Embark on a dangerous adventure, exploring a...
Kosmo Spin is a game by Simogo that appears on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The main character is Nod and the player must help him protect his breakfast from a UFO.
Мрачным жнецам, Гримму и Розе, нужна ваша помощь, чтобы победить легион монстров, призраков и злых кроликов, используя силу слов! Letter Quest Remastered - это ремейк первой игры t...
Финансируемая на Kickstarter при поддержке спонсоров, в том числе легенды жанра Рона Гилберта, Тайна горы Вулли - это потустороннее приключение, полное странных зверей, злых ведьм,...
SWAP! is a block matching puzzle game. Tile Swap is the main rule of the game, which consists in swapping the order of blocks in order to destroy them.
Wait for the right moment and make the ball fall through the intricate columns. Does it seem easy for you? It isn’t! Behind its apparent simplicity, Kolumno hides really challengin...
Explore strange and wonderful islands and dark labyrinths below in this narrative puzzle platformer. Guide young mechanic Mo on her quest to repair a world on the brink of collapse...
Игра-головоломка, в которой комнаты - это предметы, а предметы - это комнаты. Доберитесь до цели, перемещая, переставляя и дублируя комнаты и изменяя структуру мира.
Seize control of a team of selfless heroes sharing the same artificial intelligence. Design their AI and get them to work together to solve puzzles. Test your algorithm, optimize i...
Peglin is a Pachinko Roguelike - Fight enemies by collecting special orbs and popping pegs to deal damage. Acquire special relics that radically change the game and ensure no two r...
Thousands of years after the activation of the Vesper Protocol, a small android crosses a fallen world, hunted by merciless machines, to control the power of Light and decide the f...
Get ready to command an odd squad of fun birds and devise a plan to bring them safe and sound to the end of the battlefield. An outlandish puzzle game that will challenge your mind...
Moloko — is a traditional jigsaw puzzle that anyone can easily play. If it is a digital jigsaw puzzle, there is no need for a wide space to assemble, a wooden frame to decorate th...
Washout Spire is a tight yet difficult die-and-retry platformer. Climb a strange tower and its many floors and discover what lies at the top! Master the controls and mechanics whil...
CrossCells - это эмбиентная логическая головоломка. Используйте числовые подсказки, чтобы убрать плитки и решить головоломку.
Lumberjacks messed with wrong tree. Courageous Stump sets out to chase after the lumberjacks, who caused him to stop being a beautiful tree. Lead Stump through five different land...
When Holland’s social media is lit ablaze by a recent breakup, she embarks on a new mission to ditch the social media saturation and discover some real-world relationships among a...
#AkiRobots is a 2D puzzle platformer where you control multiple characters simultaneously. The game includes 100 levels and players can modify existing levels, create new levels to...
Sunset World Online is a 2D side-scroller MMORPG with four unique elements to choose from; wind, water, earth, and fire! Each element has its' role, bringing unique experiences in...
In this deceptively difficult puzzle platformer, you guide our little hero through several challenging stages. Plan out your moves ahead of time, see them play out while the narrat...
Red Game Without a Great Name is a 2D puzzle arcade game where you control a mechanical bird carrying a secret message. Your goal is to deliver a letter to a recipient's cage. You...
You play as Obama the Lizard and go through puzzles to fight Mark and retrieve your data.
In this sequel to 2013's breakout musical hit, Dominique Pamplemousse in It's All Over Once The Fat Lady Sings!, our favourite genderqueer private detective discovers that, through...
Night in the Storm is about Vera, a lighthouse keeper on the small island of Tempest Rock. Your goal is to maintain the old lighthouse during a torrential storm, all the while maki...
In this unique and offbeat stop motion musical detective adventure game, Dominique Pamplemousse, the titular protagonist, is a down-on-their-luck private investigator of ambiguous...
Tetra Online was a fast-paced puzzle stacker. The game required quick reflexes, with the ability to adapt to situations being essential. There were many modes to play, including si...
Palallel is a 2D cooperative puzzle platformer for two players. You are stuck in a board where you can’t see your partner. You need to exchange objects, trigger mechanisms, and mor...
Phil plans a fourth school escape, but what does his university have to offer?