The sequel to La luz del druida serves as a closure to the Leyendas de Lhodrye short series (only two games). This time the action takes place in some far away lands in the Elidon...
Navigate through Silicon Sneak, where time is of the essence to save your sister. Choose to be an Ethical Hacker or one among those who hide from the police. With various minigames...
You'll need to think outside more than just the box. In Trust No One,” a point-and-click detective adventure, you play as a journalist who tries to unravel a web of secrets about a...
Embark on a global adventure to uncover hidden objects in charming locations, solving puzzles across 20 captivating chapters.
Approaching the subject of sexuality and gender in early adolescence can be scary, overwhelming, and often shameful. As a countermeasure, Sibel’s Journey taps into the potential of...
Medieval Questionnaire is an educational game that tests your knowledge of medieval times with true or false questions.
The classic multi-award winning adventure Broken Sword - the Shadow of the Templars returns with glorious 4K visuals and iconic remastered audio, pitching intrepid American George...
3 Minutes to Midnight is Scarecrow Studio ’s first adventure game with its development led by Jan Serra It is a classic point-and-click adventure game telling the story of Betty An...
Meet Phoenix Wright, the rookie defense lawyer new to the scene with the wildest cross-examination skills in town! Take on five intriguing cases to reveal dramatic, stunning, and e...
Step into the hilariously twisted world of Wildwood Down, a side-splitting comedy horror point-and-click adventure set in the charming heart of Wildwood, NJ, where every corner hid...
Help the lovely Princess Chalida locate the seven gems of her royal crown and break the curse that has trapped her in a body of wood! Find Hidden Objects, identify specific spots i...
Uncover the mystery of Medford City asylum! Alison Ester has been asked to work on the renovation site of a former asylum. She must find what forced workers to stop the renovati...
The Dragon’s Intern is a 2D Adventure Exploration game about an intern- I mean apprentice - who works for a dragon that is hiding under the roads of a city. The boss keeps you busy...