Play as Batman with the Season of Infamy: Most Wanted Expansion, featuring legendary super-villains invading Gotham City. In these story missions, The Dark Knight faces the most da...
Walk the thin, blue line in four of the most realistic crime games ever created, packed with complex storylines and real-life mysteries that only a handful of real police officers...
A comedy-horror parody game inspired by various sitcoms and movies
Extra Coin is a narrative side-scrolling thriller game mixing sports, set in a virtual social network called The Arcade, where the entire population has devoted their lives. It's a...
Saint Kotar is a psychological horror adventure set in an ancient rural town of Croatia. Take on the role of two godly men trying to unravel the terrifying truth behind the town's...
The classic multi-award winning adventure Broken Sword - the Shadow of the Templars returns with glorious 4K visuals and iconic remastered audio, pitching intrepid American George...
Fascination is an adventure game. It's about a business man who has invented a chemical drug that increases the sex-drive. Unfortunately he was assassinated, and you accidentally g...