A lone spaceship has been gliding through the emptiness of interstellar space for a very long time. Within the ship, an automated factory prepares a fleet of robotic explorers......
You are a stetson-donned, pistol-armed fellow called Cuboy and you have to navigate thirty levels by shooting targets, which in turn opens up the exit to the level. This often invo...
A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobolonia is a 1989 video game developed by Imagineering for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The game was published by Absolute Entertainme...
Experimental dark platform game that takes place inside a struggled man's inner world represented as the worm world. You control the worm form of this man as he shows why this worl...
Challenging 2-D puzzle platformer published by Desunoya.
Climb the falling blocks as you race to avoid the rising lava in this challenging arcade platformer! Play as an exceptionally bouncy marshmallow as you dodge enemies, defeat colorf...
In the earliest licensed entertainment videogame of Jim Davis' lazy cat cartoon character, you play Garfield in his attempt to rescue Arlene from the cat pound. The primary gamepla...
A money-making strategy game. Become the MacDuck the richest duck on the world. Your goal in this game looks simple : Making money. But to do so, you have to manage your cash, make...
The original guitar hero with the Elvis attitude and purple hair pompadour, Johnny Bazookatone, has been imprisoned in the year 2050 in Sin Sin Prison by El Diablo, the Lord of the...
Throw on your invisibility cloak and put your reflexes to the test in this brutal precision platformer brimming with espionage, intrigue, and betrayal! Featuring an Original Sound...
The game centers on the player's character of the Doctor (specifically his sixth incarnation), and his robotic programmable cat Splinx. The goal of the game is to halt the Master's...
The first piece of downloadable content for La-Mulana 2, the newly-added map – The Tower of Oannes. Ranks with the previous instalment’s Hell Temple in difficulty, acting as an opt...
Bugs Bunny returns in BUGS BUNNYS CRAZY CASTLE 4 for Game Boy Color! Thinking he has found the Carrot Castle, Bugs has once again entered the Crazy Castle. You must help him escape...
You play as Danny, a young man suffering from insomnia, who uses an experimental device to explore his mind and discover the cause of his sleeplessness. Each level of the game, rep...
Rocko's Modern Life is a side-scrolling action game where the player takes control of the Nickelodeon character, Rocko, as they travel through three different stages (Rock-O-Whey B...
Команда Mutant Mudds и Xeodrifter выпустила новый 2D-платформер с курицей и червем в главных ролях для Nintendo 3DS и iOS. Игра будет включать в себя редактор уровней, и уровнями м...
Dreaming Sarah is an adventure game where you explore the dream world of a young girl named Sarah, who is in a deep coma. Collect items and abilities as you solve puzzles, interact...
Простой, доступный платформер twitch. Играйте за крошечного робота по имени Блиц и сбежите с фабрики, где, кажется, все пытается сломать вас. Игровой процесс настолько же прост, н...
The Mega Drive/Genesis version contains five stages not present in any other version of the game.
Experience the creepy tension of a brothers Grimm fairy tale in this puzzle adventure game. Follow the young and brave Lars as he embarks on a dangerous journey to save his sisters...
An adventurer named Dusty returns home with an enchanted Totem Pole. Due to an assortment of rare events, the spirits of the Totem have been freed and they have created a bizarre p...
Приближается осень. Листья опадают, и духи поднимаются из опавших листьев, чтобы начать свое путешествие домой. Вы должны направлять их без прямого контроля, изменяя направление ве...
Snapshot - это платформер-головоломка, который использует картинки для подбора и перемещения объектов, чтобы преодолевать препятствия или решать головоломки. В игре есть 4 мира для...
A colorful and fun puzzle game with inventive level design, filled with great ideas that bring joy and delight to any gamer that enjoys a challenge.
Gensou Tansaku Nitroid! is a puzzle and exploration based platformer by the doujin circle Desunoya, the makers of other Touhou fangames such as Marisa and Alice and Guruguru Suika....
Отправьтесь на другую планету и откройте для себя ее секреты, чтобы вернуть к жизни своего любимого человека. Испытайте приключение, вдохновленное классикой старой школы, такой как...
In The Shadows - это платформер-головоломка, в которой вы используете свет, чтобы отпугивать теневых существ, которые превращаются в повседневные предметы, которые вы можете исполь...
Что скрывается под поверхностью этого обманчиво минималистичного приключения? В Animal Well есть нечто большее, чем то, что вы видите. Исследуйте густой взаимосвязанный лабиринт и...