Germs: Nerawareta Machi is a first-person open world adventure game released exclusively in Japan for the PS1. The only game developed and published by Japanese CG animation compan...
The new Off the Record storyline means an all new Dead Rising 2 experience. Frank will face off against more twisted enemies, build more outrageous combo weapons, follow his own un...
Dead Rising returns with modern graphics! More than just a remaster, this Deluxe Remaster is a full graphical overhaul of the first game in zombie-slaughtering action game series D...
Get ready to fight evil entities that roam in abandoned houses! Become the world's first paranormal renovator and set off to restore haunted mansions to their former glory. Make su...
The first entry in the D series and one of the first games released by the company, it dealt with taboo content such as violence and cannibalism, featured 3D CGI full-motion video...