The story is set in the late Edo period. After the Black Ships arrived, the crackdown for anything foreign-related by the extremists have gotten worse, even within the Capital. One...
Love's Hella Punk is an otome game by Voltage Inc. You are a good-natured and peace-seeking high school girl whose world is flipped upside down when a bad boy delinquent proposes t...
You're an executive assistant - starting today! The charming, talented executives and a rival who shows up out of the blue - want to know: whose assistant do you want to be?
Sakura Amidst Chaos is an otome game by Voltage Inc. The story takes place in the Sengoku time period in ancient Japan. The characters are also based on famous warlords of the Seng...
An otome game aimed to women aged 30 and older. The protagonist is supported by her three female friends during her job and romance troubles.
A re-localized English version of the app using the original Japanese character names and unmodified artwork. The original localization was retired in 2018, and Captain's Cut was t...
It's the end of the Edo period. After being attacked, you ended up being saved by the famous Shisengumi warriors. Even if their hands have the strength to hold a sword, they can't...
Liar! Uncover the Truth is a romance game with elements of investigation, available at Android and iOS devides. You play as a sucessful and single woman, who goes to a matchmaking...