Originally released for the Sega Saturn, Sonic R is a racing game featuring characters from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Sonic and Tails came across an announcement one day abou...
Based on the last three Harry Potter books and final four films, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 takes players through Harry Potter's heroic adventures in the Muggle and wizarding wor...
Rascal is an action, platform game. In the game, the player assumes the role of Rascal armed with the Bubble Gun, in a mission through five worlds involving a medieval castle, anci...
The LEGO Marvel Collection features three action-packed LEGO Marvel games: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, LEGO Marvel's Avengers, and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, plus all season pass co...
Bionicle Heroes is an action-shooter where the player takes on the role of the various Lego Bionicle Toa Inika - Jaller, Matoro, Hahli, Kongu, Hewkii, and Nuparu. These heroes wea...
Based off the 2003 feature film, Disney-Pixar's Finding Nemo, play as Marlin and Nemo in two separate major story lines!
Play through a fun Star Wars galaxy that combines the endless customization of LEGO with the epic story from all six episodes of Star Wars. This is the definitive LEGO Star Wars co...
Puggsy is no ordinary game. Using the unique system of Total Object Interaction (TOI), you have to guide Puggsy through some of the best puzzles and most frantic arcade action ever...
Players enter the world of Narnia, a land frozen in a 100 year winter by the evil powers of the malevolent and evil White Witch. In order to end this frigid captivity and free his...
Experience Disney•Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue! originally released on the PlayStation console, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video...
A PS4/PS´5 port of a 2000 action platform game based on the Toy Story franchise which originally was released on PC, PS1, Game Boy Color and Dreamcast.