Based on the TV quiz show of the same name. This CD game features full motion video sprites of the host, Alex Trebek, and the contestants as well as digital track of the theme song...
ESPN Baseball Tonight is a baseball game with both exhibition and playoff modes. Other modes included are both practice (both pitching and batting) and Home Run Derby modes. The ga...
Bram Stroker's Dracula is a side-scroller platform game loosely based on the 1992 film of the same name. Players take the role of Jonathan Harker whose mission is to destroy Count...
NBA HAngtime '95 takes it to the hoop with the ultimate in 2-on-2 half-court action. Choose from 81 of the hottest players in the NBA from all 27 teams. Special button combos let y...
From the pages of Mary Shelley's classic novel and the blockbuster film comes your own living nightmare. This Port of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for Sega CD/Mega CD offers three...