Heroes Chronicles: Revolt of the Beastmasters is the seventh game in the Heroes Chronicles series. As all the Heroes Chronicles games, Revolt is based on the Heroes of Might and Ma...
Heroes of Might and Magic: Quest for the Dragon Bone Staff is a 2001 video game released on the PlayStation 2. Though 3DO did not advertise it as such, the game is an enhanced rema...
Enter the land of Xeen, a mythical place ruled by two villainous overlords. Solve many quests and puzzles as you attempt to unravel the secrets of the World of Xeen. This special v...
Heroes Chronicles is a series of five stand-alone games and two free expansions, offering eight new single-player campaigns. They are based on the Armageddon's Blade/Shadow of Deat...
Этот сборник содержит: - Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia (базовая игра) - Heroes of Might and Magic III: Armageddon's Blade (дополнение) - Heroes of Might...
The discovery of an alien craft entering our solar system causes quite a stir. When the small craft is accidentally fired upon, it creates a strange electromagnetic effect that env...
In the 24th century, the battle for corporate rights to planets has been organized into a fast-paced, violent battle sport where hovering combat vehicles called Zephyrs race their...
In the 24th century, the battle for corporate rights to planets has been organized into a fast-paced, violent battle sport where hovering combat vehicles called Zephyrs race their...
Hammer of the Gods is a strategy / tactical combat hybrid released in 1994
Empire Deluxe is a strategy game where players control cities to build units and conquer the map.
Mind Games Entertainment Pack For Windows contains ten classic games for Windows, including Chess, Chinese Chess, Bridge, Backgammon, Reversi, 4 In A Line, Checkers, Go, Gomuku, an...
A card-based mini-game from Might and Magic VII and VIII, the popularity of which convinced New World Computing to turn it into a standalone game. It's a simplified version of Magi...
The Gathering Storm is the first of two expansion packs for the turn-based strategy game Heroes of Might and Magic IV. It was developed by New World Computing for Microsoft Windows...
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Shadow of Death is the second of two expansion packs for the turn-based strategy game Heroes of Might and Magic III. It was developed by New Worl...
Lord Ironfist is dead and the Kingdom is plunged into a vicious civil war by his feuding sons. At stake is the ultimate prize: control of the land and succession of the royal thron...
From the deepest dungeons to the intrigues of the royal court, lead a band of adventurers on a dangerous journey of amazing depth and intelligence. Develop your characters through...