In Castlevania X: Rondo of Blood, the player takes control of Richter, the ultimate Vampire Killer, guiding him through a total of nine stages filled with treacherous traps and hid...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories is a video game loosely based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime series. The storyline takes on a dual setting in Ancient Egypt and current-day Domino Ci...
Journey into danger. The greatest adventure in the history of Daventry is about to begin... you embark with King Graham on the most thrilling and perilous adventure of his c...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Kaiba the Revenge is the second Yu-Gi-Oh! game for PC also it's the second one of the three Power of Chaos game series. The game adds features 466 cards,...
The Mummy is an action horror released as a tie-in for the 1999 Film of the same name. It is a platform game for the PlayStation 1 game console and Microsoft Windows. The game is b...
Ninety-nine Nights II (N3II) - это приключенческая игра в жанре Руби и руби для Xbox 360 с эпическими битвами против огромных армий в уникальном фэнтезийном царстве. Этот долгождан...
NEVERDEAD начинается в часы бодрствования в мире и спокойствии, когда мир находится под угрозой поглощения демонической чумой. Прошли столетия с тех пор, как мир пал жертвой непред...
This game is action from beginning to end, do not think that you will have a moment of peace, even because Aliens are at war with planet earth, and resting will be your least conce...
Shaman King: Master of Spirits is an Action Adventure game, developed by KCEJ and published by Konami, which was released in 2004. In this game you play Yoh Asakura from the Sha...
Get ready for sexy yet challenging in-the-ring combat. WWX: Rumble Rose delivers intense girl-on-girl wrestling action with an all-female roster of vixens--each with specialty move...
Lament of Innocence is one of several Castlevania games that attempts to give the series an origin story. This retconned Legends, and was later retconned by Lords of Shadow. This o...
Sequel to the original Shaman King: Master of Spirits, you once again take the role of Yoh Asakura as you attempt to save all your friends and fellow shamans from Zeke's Fire Spiri...
Crash Bandicoot returns to the karting scene with a host of other characters from the adventure series, and this time they have both Neo Cortex and Emperor Velo to worry about. Vel...
Ю-Ги-О! Master Duel позволяет старым и новым игрокам наслаждаться чрезвычайно популярной игрой Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG в цифровой форме. Игроки по всему миру могут соревноваться в интенсивны...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up. The game features play mechanics similar to the previous game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...
Assume the role of Herbert Wallace, an escaped test subject, on the trail of the demonic scientist, Dr. Adam Crowley. After enduring years of horrific lab experiments, Wallace is o...
Dance Dance Revolution (ダンスダンスレボリューション Dansu Dansu Reboryūshon?), сокращенно DDR, также известная как Dancing Stage в ранних играх в Европе и Австралазии, и некоторые...
Arcade Castlevania game in which you use a whip controller to fend off demons.
An arcade brawler starring six X-Men characters. It was the only brawler to allow up to 6 simultaneous players on one arcade machine.
Time refuses to forget the Belmont family's horrifying, bloody destiny. And in 1917 two of its descendants are summoned by fate into epic battle. Their enemy? The most evil incarna...
First, it was a beloved book, then it was an animated special, next it was a movie, and now Dr. Seuss' HOW THE GRINCH STTOLE CHRISTMAS is a hand-held video game. You play both the...
First, it was a beloved book, then it was an animated special, next it was a movie, and now Dr. Seuss' HOW THE GRINCH STTOLE CHRISTMAS is a hand-held video game. You play both the...
Vampire Killer is a side-view flick-screen game where you are a Vampire hunter who has been tasked to remove Dracula from the 12th floor of a block of flats by a client on the floo...
Pro Evolution Soccer, often abbreviated as PES and also known as World Soccer: Winning Eleven 5 in Japan and North America, is a football sports simulation video game released in 2...
Solid Snake, ныне ушедший из Fox-Hound, возвращается в этом продолжении Metal Gear. Доктор Кио Марв, изобретатель OILIX, был взят в заложники. Новый командир Фоксхаунда, полковник...
Devil's Crush (known as Devil Crash in Japan) is a pinball video game developed by NAXAT Soft for the TurboGrafx-16 and released in 1990. The second installment in the Crush Pinbal...
The Legend Returns... Rising up from his eternal sleep, Count Dracula is back again to battle the descendants of the great vampire-stalking Belmont family of the Castlevania series...
The Simpsons is basically a side-scrolling beat-em-up featuring the characters from The Simpsons TV show. The player can choose to play as each of the four Simpson characters. Home...