Towards the end of the Han Dynasty, China was controlled by the Emperor Ling, who was in turn controlled by ten of his servants in the royal palace. This created a convenient atmos...
The Sega Saturn port of EVE burst error published by Imagineer. A premium edition released months later switched to their publishing label/subsidiary Imadio. This version added...
Space-Net: Cosmo Blue is a role playing game published by Imagineer for the Game Boy Color. It was released alongside Space-Net: Cosmo Red.
Space-Net: Cosmo Neo is a cancelled third version of Space-Net: Cosmo Red and Blue. The rom was leaked during the Nintendo gigaleaks.
Gudetama game published by Imagineer.
This port of Lemmings is graphically almost identical to the original Amiga release. The allowing of sample-based sounds means that it doesn't fall into the same pitfall as the PC-...
This port of Lemmings is mostly on par with the original graphically. However, there is a slight downgrade in overall quality and color, most notably with the UI. The music has als...
A spin-off of the Fitness Boxing series, Hop! Step! Dance! is a dancing lessons game teaching players different movement and choreography with a 30-step course covering 84 lessons...
An obscure 3D fighting game and a sequel to the all-girl Japan-only fighting game Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter.