The player controls Yuuji Kino, a young kid who's training to win the Card Championship. Unlike the other games in the series, the player summons and control his demons by cards th...
True Fortune is an otome game, developed and published by Enterbrain, which was released in Japan in 2008.
The final PS1 RPG Tsukuru game. It was never released outside of Japan.
RPG Tsukuuru DS, translated as RPG Maker DS in English, is a Japan-exclusive DS game where players can create their own RPG. RPG Tsukuuru DS allows you to easily create RPGs witho...
Tail Concerto Battle is a fan-made fighting game based on CyberConnect2's Tail Concerto, made in the 2D Fighting Maker 2nd. engine. The game features prominent characters from Tail...
An obscure game for the PS1, Gobli's Adventure stars Gobli who is a low level monster in an RPG. His life changes when the games programmer gives him the opportunity to travel to t...