A mystery adventure game by Enix from 1990. Players control a musician named Kazuya Mizukami, who returns to Japan and, following the death of a music producer, becomes a prime mur...
Fangs: The Saga of Wolf Blood is an RPG developed for the NEC PC-880, exclusively in Japan.
Joushou Mahjong Tenpai is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Game Arts and published by Enix Corporation, which was released in Japan in 1995.
The third sequential version of the popular Japanese board game from Enix.
Rakugaki Showtime is a game along the same vein as Poitter's Point (also known as Poy Poy) where in you try to defeat the opponents by throwing things at them.
Murder on the Eurasia Express is a Japanese adventure game published by Enix and Developed by System Sacom, released exclusively for the PlayStation
Mahoujin GuruGuru 2 is a Role-Playing game, published by Enix Corporation, which was released in Japan in 1996.
The sequel to Enix's classic PC adventure game.
Astronoka is officially described as a space vegetable production and pest control game. The game revolves around the player cultivating vegetables on a fictional, futuristic star...
The young fighter Ryu was thrown out of his father's home, and this childhood trauma has been dominating his life ever since. His only wish is to surpass his father and to show him...
4 animals turned into busty women, who then go on to play mini-games.
In Segare Ijiri, the player takes control of a young boy with an arrow-size head that her mother (a giraffe) send him through a strange world to make him learn different things.
Mahoujin Guru Guru is a Role-Playing game, developed by TamTam and published by Enix Corporation, which was released in Japan in 1995.
A business man in Peru and a girl visiting Japan both suddenly fall victim to a strange disease that turns the skin green and partially disfigures the face. The most unusual thing...
Adventure game created by Yuji Horii and released by Enix in 1985.
Adventure game created by Yuji Horii and released by Enix in 1985.