Based on episodes from VIZ Media's hit anime series Shonen Jump Naruto, the new game features a unique time-based combat system in which players must determine each character's str...
The world of Beta Bloc is made up of 7 citadels and dungeons, guarded by legendary monsters! Use your paddle to fight your way through more than 120 stages, casting magic spells to...
Includes the 3 most popular billiard games and 1 original game. 9 Ball, 8 Ball, Rotation, and Basic Game for a total of 4 game modes!
Astro Boy centers around a boy-robot named Astro that tries to bridge the relationship between humans and robots. This game is based on the computer-animated superhero film named A...
This is a casino-style card game in which players compete against others in a variation of Texas Hold 'Em poker. Players wager simulated money on hands they are dealt and can manip...
Welcome to Gleamlight – a 2D action game that will take you through an adventure traversing a beautiful, transient world. Immerse yourself amid the beautiful stained glass artistr...
Active beyond the shadow, the darkness is filled with demons. The public has become aware of their existence, and one in particular stands out, The Devil. Human life is nearly erad...
The Oneechanbara 2 is an Action game, developed by Tamsoft and published by D3Publisher, which was released in Japan in 2005.
Simple 1500 vol. 7: the Card is a card game compilation by Success.
The host girls take to the stage with song and coordinated dance routines in this free to play Dream C Club spin-off.
Kids will jump to their feet and dance to the beat for Kidz Bop Dance Party!, the game that brings the chart-topping music franchise to the interactive space for the first time eve...
My Secret Pets! is a romance game where you can live a secret second life at home with your pets, which suddenly transformed into cute guys!
Take photographs of models in one of the few Simple 2000 games that got a release outside of Japan where it is known as The Camera Kozou.
Introducing the definitive version of the city planning simulation that anyone can easily create a city. Become a city development designer Metropolismania and create a city as you...
The Charming Empire is a dating simulation game set in the Taisho Roman era of Japanese history.
This is the sequel to Earth Defense Force 3.
Ed-0: Zombie Uprising takes place in Edo era Japan—but millions of zombies have raided the isolated country! Enter this world as a Samurai, Sumo Wrestler, or Ninja to slaughter the...
Family Party: 30 Great Games Obstacle Arcade brings home wacky and wild competitions for kids of all ages.
This is a video game version of the ancient game of Mahjong for the PlayStation. The player can go up against up to three computer opponents. It is a budget title released only in...
A sound novel where the player visits a small village that hides many deadly secrets.
Is what you see real or just a hallucination? A former doctor wanders in two worlds while doubting himself. This is a horror adventure game where the player go back and forth in b...
Simple 2000 Series Vol. 019: The Renai Simulation - Renai Kissa Watashi ni Oma Cafe is a mix between a simulation and an adventure game. The game begins when the parents of the ma...
Bittersweet Fools is a visual novel developed by Minori. The game takes place in Florence, Italy. The character design is by Yu Aida, whose Gunslinger Girl series also takes place...
A otome game that takes place in a host club.
The fourth entry in the Family Party series, this title gives players the chance to get up and get active with up to four players. Offering a wide variety of minigames, and includi...
The 100th Anniversary of Jellystone Park is fast approaching - and land developers want to shut it down! Based on Warner Bros. Studios live-action CG animated feature film Yogi Bea...
An otome game developped by Vridge. The game features customization where the player can change the heroes' hair style, clothing, hat, glasses and accessories. The items are called...