Droplette is a cozy puzzle platformer where a spirited girl named Droplette learns and uses element-based abilities on the environment around her to rescue the droplet boy, Driplet...
Kinduo 2 is a local co-op game where two elemental friends with unique abilities need to help each other to overcome obstacles! Create blocks of ice, burn or melt things, and combi...
Help Milli to find Greg in this challenging platform game.
A place where wishes come true! You just need to protect the obsidian portal from zombies. Mine resources with your pickaxe, build traps, and put them to use — let them grind the z...
Rewind time and manipulate gravity in order to solve parkour puzzles in this extremely difficult, yet exciting new 2D platformer.
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut is the definitive version of the brain-twisting first-person puzzler. Using special high-tech gloves to manipulate cubes in the environment, the player solv...
A grid based puzzle game where you play as a tapeworm and help some fleas have a good time.
Him & Her Collection brings three games of the challenging puzzle-platformer series, Him & Her, Her Challenges and Him & Her 3. The player gets to control Him, a guy who got split...
Ball's a well-rounded fellow, but he soon finds himself in an existential crisis. Take Ball on a challenging and hilarious adventure as he jumps across the globe, scouring the roun...