A young man moves to Shikoku, the smallest of Japan's four main islands, to live in Kagawa prefecture with his uncle who runs a sound studio. Attending the Kotohira Middle School a...
He's a Failure of a Yakuza. He's an Arcane Murder Genie - Can They Find Love? Our main character has been a screw-up his entire life. That's what led him to the Yakuza. He needs he...
Ero Condo is an adult mobile game by Kienbiu. It contains sexual graphics and homosexual stories. As a Condo manager, you will have a chance to meet and talk to all the residents i...
In a Japan where Amaterasu (good/happiness) and Aramatsuri (evil/misfortune) powers are contained within humans. The main character, Yuzuru Kurotori, is a civil servant working for...
You secretly help your friend with erotomania, even though you have a girlfriend.