This horror action RPG revolves around a female SWAT member named Lila who must rescue survivors in an isolated monster-infested town. As the plot unfolds, it is later revealed tha...
Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story is a 2.5D game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame. Set in the year 2083 in Neo Hong-Kong the story follows Mei-Lin Mak, a young wom...
Tournament Tactics immerses you in a challenging tournament set in the Yu Yu Hakusho universe. Create a team with up to five characters, and then use your players' unique combos, s...
A side-scrolling adventure game that seamlessly blends RPG mechanics and puzzle solving, all set in a mysterious world rooted in Norse mythology. Inspired by games like Tower of th...
A fan made expansion mod for The Binding of Isaac: Rebrith that overhauls the game's floors, adds over 500 new enemies, 23 new bosses, 2 new characters and plenty of new items!
Gargoyle's Quest Brings Big-Screen Action to Game Boy! You are Firebrand - gargoyle and proud guardian of the Ghoul Realm. The Destroyers have returned to wipe out your planet......
ПОВТОРИТЬ! это игра о девушке, пытающейся найти другого человека в мрачном мире, наводненном биомашинами. Это одинокая и вызывающая воспоминания игра об исследовании неизвестного и...
This game is an exploration based game with RPG-like elements, and stars Sena, a curious boy who yearns to learn more about the world he lives in.
GunGirl2 is a freeware action platformer in the style of games like Metroid, Castlevania or Cave Story. But with blood… LOTS of blood. The undead start rising from their graves, h...
Konami's Castlevania Anniversary Collection traces the origins of the historic vampire franchise. Included is a unique eBook with details provided by developers, artists and others...
Makaimura Gaiden: The Demon Darkness is a action platforming game released in Japan for the Game Boy in 1993. It is the second title for the handheld platform featuring the demon R...
Become Jerma. In this genre-jumping absurdist adventure, scramble to appease a restless livestream audience by hopping between in-universe video games. Enter the Jermaverse...
The Law of the Claw! Before Man ruled the world there were the monsters of Etruria. One such beast Firebrand the Gargoyle. must act to restore the magic that quickly fades from th...
It's one weird comedic horror themed adventure, and it's a school trip of a lifetime. Make your hard calls if needed, as long as you get out of the ongoing crime scene safe and sou...
Deep Fog is a single-player 2D horizontal pixel horror adventure game. Explore the strange events that occurred in the fog city, 5 chapters will be phased release.
Trapped in a ghostly train, Saki must search the past and present to find and save her friends. More importantly, Saki must use her wits if she is to survive against an unspeakable...
You return to your old apartment one last time, in search of a sickened raven. You must speak to him, and discover the cause behind the calamity that has spread across the world.
A Fantasy-Horror RPG about nightmares, machines and self discovery. Johanna is infected by a Dream Demon and it's terminal. Her only chance is to catch the Demon who caused her th...
A port of Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow included in Castlevania Advance Collection. Aria of Sorrow introduced a brand new attack system called Tactical Souls, that lets Soma Cruz ca...
Fight through the graveyards and haunted forests, crypts and tombs filled with unspeakable horrors! Spin the daily treasure wheel, visit the shop and take control of four differen...
A port of Castlevania: Circle of the Moon included in Castlevania Advance Collection. In Circle of the Moon, you can combine action and attribute cards to create over 80 unique sp...
After gaining the ability to control time, Troy sets off on an adventure, guided by a mysterious voice in an attempt to fulfill his long-time - potentially misleading destiny: savi...
Little Goody Two Shoes is an tactical narrative RPG that tells the story of Elise, an ambitious girl stuck in a village too small for her big dreams. In this village of Kieferberg...
'The Shadows That Run Alongside Our Car' is a visual novel about two strangers driving down an open highway in an apocalyptic scenario.
Discover/smash your way in the metroidvanian anxious mind of Pilo’s with creepy monsters and creatures. Reveal the emotional story through flashbacks and exploring the mysterious h...
Castlevania appeared in Mushroom Kingdom. Help Mario explore the castle and stop whoever is behind this. Features: -mix of Castlevania and Mario -huge, exploreable world with map...
Specter Knight is now in Dawn of Sorrow! Start a game in Specter Mode to slice and dice your way through the castle using Specter Knight’s diagonal slash while engaging in mini-pla...