Angelique Maren no Rokukishi is one of the collaboration projects between Ruby Party and Otomate, two well-known developers in the otome game genre. It was first announced at their...
Bittersweet Fools is a visual novel developed by Minori. The game takes place in Florence, Italy. The character design is by Yu Aida, whose Gunslinger Girl series also takes place...
In Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 4, follows Chihiro Ashihara, one of two princesses of a kingdom locatrd in a land called Nakatsu Kuni within the parallel world. During her childhood,...
Fandisk for Yuukyuu no Tierblade: Lost Chronicle.
QP Kiss is a game developed by Orange_Juice for April Fools' day 2007. It's a parody of their QP Shooting series, featuring genderbent characters in a mock-BL game.
Omochabako no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World is a fandisc that was released in 2011. The game was originally going to be on PC, but was instead released on the PSP. Toybox h...
A otome game that takes place in a host club.
An academy adventure game that is set in a magic school.
Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden: Kagami no Miko is a simulation game for Playstation 2, based on the shoo manga Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden. It was ported to PSP on September 21, 2006. I...
Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite! Koi no Rin Fuusui is a Japanese Game Boy Color game.
Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo is a otome game for PS2.
You’re an average 25-year-old girl, working at the library to make ends meet and support your family’s shrine. However, that all changes when handsome men save you from malevolent...
In 2030, humans successfully create a VRMMO Simulation game that players will play in a virtual reality world via a special Headset. You as a player join this game, encounter many...
From Novectacle, the creators of the highly acclaimed The House in Fata Morgana, comes Seventh Lair, a tongue-in-cheek, but emotional look at the online interactions between an ind...
Starry * Sky: In Spring - Portable is an otome game, developed by honeybee and was released in Japan in 2010.
Gather information and deduce how to prevent predicted incidents before they occur. In Shinjuku City, various incidents will occur, such as assault, theft, and murder. The protagon...
Now included in the Story Jar app.
After receiving an invitation from your estranged father, you find yourself returning to your childhood home in the mountains. There you uncover the secrets of your past and learn...
Orange Honey: Boku wa Kimi ni Koishiteru is a otome game developed by Guyzware and was released for PlayStation 2.
A fandisc set one year after the events of Will o' Wisp.
Your life as a high school student has been going pretty smoothly so far. You and your childhood friend Mariya have been making the best of it, until one day, you hear about two st...