The story continues in the highly anticipated second chapter of NAIRI. In this graphic adventure, Nairi pushes onward on a perilous quest to save her family, leaving the Tower of S...
A Fantasy RPG game using Match 3 for game mechanics instead of Dice.
Cube Hero is a simple puzzle roguelike deckbuilding game. Build your own powerful deck and defeat your enemies! There are always new enemies, cubes, treasures, and events waiting f...
Hundreds of cats and fifteen brand-new levels await your exploration!
A person called Mr. Dot has assassinated the square president. He suffered the electric chair but after a deal with God he risen. Play as Mr. Dot and run around the weird town of H...
An university student named Sae finds herself lost in the mountains. While searching for help, she comes across an old looking mansion and decides to enter it. However, there was m...