It is said that there is a mysterious labyrinth harboring great secrets that might fulfill the wishes of those who discover them. Two countries respectively ruled by Queen Xina and...
Musashi Ganryuki, known outside Japan as Ganryu, is a platformer and hack and slash video game developed by Visco Corporation and published by SNK in 1999 on Neo Geo MVS. It is loo...
Astrologaster - это астрологическая комедийная игра, в которой вы играете роль Саймона Формана, елизаветинского астролога и врача. Составляйте и интерпретируйте астрологические кар...
The 7th Harukanaru Toki no Naka de game.
Bright Bird contains various elements: stories, explorations, and puzzles. The game is designed to be a seamless side-scrolling world full of challenging puzzles. Control Yao the h...
The People's Republic of Neo Kazakhstan Needs YOU! Hack and slash your way to freedom as you harvest valuable Kazakh timber in order to earn enough Kazakh Kredits for a ticket home...
Dot's Home is a single player game about Dorothea (Dot) Hawkins, a young Black woman in her late 20’s living with her grandmother Mavis Hawkins in Detroit, Michigan. Following a cr...
What happened to the Minoan civilization? Join parkour master Marie Taylor and treasure hunter James Andrew in a historical action thriller, as they unveil the secrets of a forgott...
A young woman finds herself alone in the streets of Paris, far from home and abandoned by the love of her life. In that moment, she decides to live for herself and seek her own pas...
The task in Dark Sceptre is to recover the eponymous artefact. The player controls a company of warriors by assigning them specific tasks, and is hindered by six other computer-con...
Castle of Heart - это средневековый экшн-платформер на 7 уровней.
Once, in a tavern on the waterfront, an old salt whispered to you the tale of the Seven Bishops -- Christian men who had been blown far off course into an unknown realm and who est...
ВЫ БУДЕТЕ ИГРАТЬ В ОДИНОЧКУ ИЛИ ВМЕСТЕ? Разработанная для Nintendo Switch, Super Chariot представляет собой 2D-платформенную игру, в которую можно играть до конца как в одиночно...
Orpiment is a rogue-like game, based on a deck-building system, and real-time strategy knights duels. Players look at automatic jousts and change the outcome of the fight by using...
Tiny Barbarian DX - это остросюжетная игра sword 'em up, вдохновленная фэнтезийным криминальным чтивом. Как и в тех коротких историях, игра разделена на четыре отдельных эпизода, в...
This game was developed together with the Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá) Indians from the Jordan River, in the Amazon, Acre, Brazil, in order to address the culture of the Kaxinawá indigenou...
Explore a fantastic vision of the Victorian era in The Clockwork Man, an epic hidden-object game. At the turn of the century, in an alternate timeline, steam-powered technology has...
Fourth title in the Ganbare Goemon series of platform/adventure games which cast you as the heroic Goemon and his gang of wacky adventurers as he fights evil all over Japan. This s...
A rogue-lite TCG based on classical Chinese mythology.
Drive a wagon across the American west, then veer south in search of the legendary ancient lost city of GOLD known as El Dorado. Oregon only has dirt! Wouldn't you rather be rich?...
The Gameboy Advance version of the classic title Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. It follows almost the same story as its mainstream counterpart but features significantly differen...
Page information from rewritten results of google translate. A fantasy visual novel with an original story based on the three kingdoms setting, using familiar names in new ways....
Run Saber is a 1993 side-scrolling action game developed by Horisoft and published by Atlus for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The game was released in North America on J...
The first chapter of a loop-de-loop platformer in which you control Maximillian Wurst, silver-tongued poet and abject moron, as he pursues a fantasy that wants nothing to do with h...
A downloadable indie point and click adventure game with a few minigames.
An action-adventure game that is based on the play, The Kristal of Konos.
Bookbound Brigade is about beating the hell out of historical and literary characters you studied in school by leading a dream team of real and fictional heroes through a 2D side-s...