Riot Zone is a side-scrolling fighting game that follows two heroes as they fight to take down an evil organization. The crime syndicate Dragon Zone has kidnapped Hawk's girlfriend...
Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth is the 4th game in the Ultraman Fighting Evolution series. This game was released in the PlayStation 2 console. Its Story Mode involves Alien M...
In this, the fourth Tekken game in the series, and the first for the Playstation 2, you can duel it out with all your favourite characters from past Tekken games with the new tag f...
Samurai Shodown V brings back the classic side-scrolling action with a completely new storyline, new characters and new moves. A samurai's quest to prove himself against the Shogun...
Basketbrawl is a sports video game released for the Atari 7800 in 1990, then for the Atari Lynx in 1992. It is a basketball simulation which allows hitting and fighting with other...
Ninja Master's follows the conventions of many previous 2D fighting games released for the Neo-Geo. The player must defeat their opponent in combat in a series of best-two-out-of-t...
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 is bigger and better than ever with all new gameplay, campaign, characters, voiceover, modes and more!
Dragon Ball: Zenkai Battle Royale is an arcade fighting game set in the Dragon Ball Z universe. It plays in the same style as the Budokai Tenkaichi series.
Sonic The Fighters is an arcade fighting game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. This digital high-definition port of was released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 201...
In a town ruled by an evil religious cult, the battle to decide the strongest dragon begins! Each Contestant is a champion who contends with the power of mighty dragons: Black Drag...
Turn every character in the game into the undead with Zombie Mode!
The Dragon Ball Z universe makes its first appearance on the seventh generation of consoles with the release of Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit. It features the detailed graphics and dr...
And arcade Shoot'em/beat'em up/platformer. You plays as various humanoids that battle each other in arena combat.
Target: Renegade is a scrolling beat'em up (or flip-screen on certain versions) computer game released on the Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum systems in the late 1980s by...
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 puts players’ fighting spirits to the test with intense and frantic battles while using one of more than 50 characters. New characters inc...
Iza To! En Garde! Dude! Twelve of the mightiest samurai, ninja, knights, and warriors from Japan, France, the United States, and China lock swords in NEO GEO's SAMURAI SHODOWN. Wit...
Card Sagas Wars was a PC game being developed by Ahruon and Orkimedes. The game utilizes the M.U.G.E.N engine, but unlike other MUGEN games all of the sprites are made entirely by...
Now you can choose your favorite heroes from the worlds of Street Fighter and Marvel Super Heroes to face off in a head-to-head battle for supremacy. Dive into the action to perfor...
During the XGC (X-Genome Code) Incident one year ago, riots raged over the earth by beasts that did not show the XCG, and all over the country small earthquakes shook the land. The...
Released only in Japan for the Super Famicom, it's an adaptation of the Neo Geo game of the same name, also known as Art of Fighting 2.
Multiplayer robot madness party game to battle & challenge your human friends.
Fused Zamasu is born from the fusion of Goku Black and Future Zamasu through Potara earrings. Thanks to the Super Dragon Balls, Fused Zamasu has gained ultimate power and invincibi...
Final Fight punches its way onto Sega CD. When the Mad Gear Gang is around, you know laws are being broken. Enter the good guys, Haggar, Cody and Guy, with killer roundhouse kicks...
Heroes and villains collide in the latest Dragon Ball Z brawler. Dragon Ball Z: Taiketsu lets you play as one of 15 of the greatest warriors from the DBZ universe, including the mi...
Urban Champion is a 2-player fighting game produced by Nintendo in 1984. It was inspired by the 1984 Game & Watch title, Boxing (also known as Punch-Out!!). It is also Nintendo's f...
Power Rangers vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Ultimate Hero Clash 2 is a 2017 Browser-based crossover fighting game. Unlike the previous entry, which had a cast of several Rangers...
Ultraman Fighting Evolution 0 (ウルトラマン ファイティング エボリューション ゼロ) is a fighting game from the series Ultraman Fighting Evolution. It is the fifth and currently last...
Kamen Rider: Climax Heroes OOO is a Japanese fighting game developed by Eighting and Bandai Namco Entertainment for the PlayStation Portable and Nintendo Wii. Serving as the sequel...