Aoi, a third year middle school student who attends an all-boy's junior and senior high school. Hinata, the mysterious Dead of Night Man who only appears at 2 A.M. beneath the saku...
A japanese visual novel. Arcana Famiglia is a self-appointed organization whose members have mysterious powers. They use these powers to protect a small Mediterranean island, Rega...
Welcome to Murderer’s Island. Your companions: four dead-sexy Killers who, underneath their murderous exteriors, just want a little romance. Flirt your way into their hearts, uncov...
A visual novel for PS2. You play as the mother of a pair of twins, whose father has left on an expedition to Egypt.
Визуальный роман о веселых азиатских девушках, играющих в бейсбол и влюбляющихся. Особенности: - Гарольд, они лесбиянки* - продолжительность 3-4 часа - мемы
School Wars was released in 2012 for the PSP. In 2015, it was released on the PSVita in a double pack with its fandisc called School Wars: Zenkan Pack Honpen & Sotsugyou Sensen.
Kaichu is a dating sim about kaiju! You play the role of Gigachu, a gigantic romantic looking for love. Meet 6 other eligible kaiju and visit 24 famous landmarks where Gigachu will...
A visual novel based on the manga/anime series of the same name.
Springtrap embarks on the most thrilling night of debauchery yet... Five Nights at F***boy’s 3 is a FNaF fangame developed by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw. It is the climactic seque...
Разветвленный диалог! Трудный выбор! Целое кладбище фантомов, привидений и полтергейстов, ищущих любовь во всех гиблых местах. Speed Dating for Ghosts - это странный симулятор свид...
Kokoro Connect: Yochi Random is a visual novel adaption of the light novel series Kokoro Connect, which features an alternative storyline based on the original novels and features...
Решайте пикроссы, встречайтесь с супергероями-головоломками и спасайте положение! Симулятор свиданий встречает головоломку picross в этом приключении романтической комедии.
Милые птички из Hatoful Boyfriend вернулись в ремастированном праздничном сиквеле Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! Путешествуйте по фантастически стилизованным мирам, познакомьтесь...
Embark on a road trip like no other in this co-op narrative survival adventure. Visit fun locations, meet wacky characters, and manage your resources wisely. And yes: you still can...
Finally, school is over! You are put in the place of a handsome but reclusive young man. It's been over half a year since you spoke to your childhood friend Sayori. One day, she un...
Five Nights at F***boy’s 2 is a FNaF fangame and sequel to surprise hit Five Nights at F***boy's created by Sable Lynn and Joshua Shaw in RPG Maker VX Ace. This version includes t...
SoulSet - это визуальный роман в жанре мистики и романтики, в котором вы можете попытаться избежать смерти и наладить отношения как с мужскими, так и с женскими персонажами. Вы игр...