Megadimension Neptunia VIIR is a remake of Megadimension Neptunia VII that features PlayStation VR support. New Virtual Reality events feature the goddesses making memories and spe...
Dark Envoy is a non-linear RPG inspired by the likes of the Divinity series, XCOM and Dragon Age to offer free world exploration with an emphasis on tactical combat layered with lo...
This operation will be carried out in Mellvere by Avan, Zeri and Cosette. Capture the enemy base camp in Area 1. The mission will fail if all 3 members fall in battle. Cannon tow...
Sons of Valhalla — это стратегическая игра по строительству баз с боковой прокруткой, которая переносит вас в эпоху викингов. Вы играете роль сына ярла викингов Торальда Олавсона,...
Delve Deeper is a turn-based Adventure/Strategy game for Windows that combines HD pixel art, tile placement, and RPG elements in a bright and humorous atmosphere. Up to four player...
You are an innkeeper, on a journey to transform a run-down inn into a bustling social space. Brew your own beer, run a farm, explore the world, and build relationships with your cu...
A defense exercise will be carried out versus Class D. Defend the allied base camps in Areas 1, 4 and 5 for 8 turns. Be aware that poor weather is expected.
Valdis Story: Abyssal City is a side scrolling exploration platformer with an emphasis on intricate and rewarding combat as well as deep play style customization.
Japanese mythology and fast-paced multiplayer mayhem combine to make Throne of Darkness a must-have title for action oriented role-playing fans. Players will control a team of seve...
Runespell: Overture is a role-playing game combining poker mechanics with power ups and collectable cards. The world is set in an alternate medieval Europe linking historical chara...
Following the huge successes of the number 1 Steam top selling epic SRPG, Agarest: Generations of War and its prequel Agarest: Generations of War ZERO, Ghostlight are proud to rele...
Brutal, crazy, tactical… this is Blood Bowl! The iconic death sport returns with the new video game of fantasy football faithfully using the latest board game rules and new content...
The main Class G group must open the flood gate using the switch in area 4, then Avan must move to the target point in area 3 by passing through the flood gate.
Ride a flying vehicle and restore the breeze around the world in a fantasy RPG!
Всеобщий отец исчез, создав брешь в пантеоне. Чтобы заполнить пустоту, полубоги из мира смертных должны вести войну друг против друга в попытке подняться к истинной божественности.
Etherlords is an exciting mix of turn-based strategy and fantasy trading card game. Innovative game mechanics that first appeared in this game formed the basics of most modern game...
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter is a radical departure from the previous titles of the Breath of Fire series, and in some ways from standard Japanese-style role-playing games in gen...
Awakened Shadow разработан для того, чтобы в полной мере использовать возможности Nintendo DS, позволяя игрокам участвовать в впечатляющих битвах с боссами максимум с двумя друзьям...
Игровой процесс Age of Fear 3 отличается от других тактических боевых игр благодаря невероятно глубокой боевой системе, усовершенствованной за последние пять лет и основанной на от...
A new spin off game in the Valkyria franchise, this game may be a prequel to the Valkyria Chronicles series and uses a new battle system, LeGION system, that should allow for much...
Treachery in Beatdown City - это комедийный боевик, в котором игроки сражаются с десятками нелепых врагов с помощью уникальной боевой системы, сочетающей в себе лучшие части beat '...
This is still an semi-idle game suitable for fishing at work, covers leisure and strategy. It inherits many of the game features loved by the previous players, and adds new gamepla...
Elemental War 2 offers you the popular tower defense feeling combined with innovative game mechanics: as soon as you defeat an elemental – a particularly strong enemy that will dem...
Labyrinth of Zangetsu is new 3D dungeon RPG by Acquire. Its gameplay systems are a return to the roots of hack-and-slash. It is a title that emphasizes wa (the Japanese-style), whi...
The nation of Sarkoris was destroyed by the demons, yet the last of its people are ready to fight back. Meet Ulbrig Olesk, a Sarkorian shifter capable of turning into a mighty grif...
Agarest: Generations of War Zero - это приключенческая фэнтезийная rpg.