Interns of Ecstasy Island is planned to be an erotic, gender-bender life-sim game. The game is story-focused and text-heavy, presented in a hybrid visual novel format. However, un...
Like its predecessor, De-Ja II is a Japanese-style adventure. The interface has been enhanced compared to the first game. Most of the commands are still done via the extensive verb...
It is the year 20XX, and the needs of every single person you know are being exceeded. Your top-notch, free healthcare includes cyborg parts. Everyone's does. And you're due for...
Routes is a science-fiction visual novel and the fourth entry in the Leaf Visual Novel Series, taking place in 21st-century Japan with Nasu Souichi, the main character whose a perf...
A choice heavy, sci-fi visual novel set in space! With hundreds of decisions leading to branching paths, a uniquely personalized story will unfold.
Absolutely Perfect Specimen is a horror-yuri visual novel about the android maid Pan and her master Dr. Amy G Dala. Follow Pan over the course of a year as she struggles with insat...
You are Helios, the newest fighter aboard the starship Kepler. Join Cain, Abel and the crew from Hamlet Machine's webcomic, Starfighter, on board a brand new, interactive adventure...
Soulcreek is a sci-fi/romance FVN intended to be released in instalments. It features a human male protagonist with a changeable name and a single m/m love interest. Choices may al...
City of Broken Dreamers is a mature, adults-only cyberpunk visual novel. In the game, you will find a choice-based, visually erotic and exciting adventure.