Devil's Gambit follows Hector, a badger healer returning to the little town of Rannai, the birthplace of his fondest memories. He holds dearly his time with the mischievous yet fri...
Succubus Simulator is an episodic ongoing visual novel. It is NSFW, very queer, and sex positive. Go in expecting a complete fuckery of gender norms, a bit of plot, an emphasis on...
Emi and our Protagonist find themselves on the naughty list this year! Follow their holiday escapades as they earn their way back into Santa's good graces.
While our king was visiting his dying teacher, he found and released a girl sealed in a tree. It seems his teacher had sealed her because she came from the underworld. What he rele...
The new neighbor needs a tutor for her son... but that's not the only thing she's after!
Our setting is the venerable city of Kanazawa... Our protagonist is the (Acting) Director of a Private Detective Agency, tasked with keeping peace in this fair city. As a detectiv...
Shion was the beautiful, tidy bride of a happy protagonist. But on their honeymoon, she got plucked from his embrace in more ways than one! In an instant, she fell from loving pure...
Yukino has a boyfriend named Makoto whom she promised to marry. However, Makoto is a man from a good family and they refuse the marriage with Yukino. Then, Makoto's uncle, Masao, c...
You play as a inmate being kept in the WOOHP asylum for the criminally insane. When suddenly the power goes out, all the villains escape and turn Beverly Hills into a warzone. It's...
Lunar's Chosen is a story heavy adult visual novel. Play as the main character through a story filled with sex, mystery, magic and beautiful women.
Coffee Buns is an 18+ Transformation Visual Novel set after the events of Mice Tea. It's been two years since since the worldwide release of Kemono Tea, which turns the people who...
Even at the cost of my life—there is someone I want to protect. It is said that there once existed a civilization on this earth more advanced than the current one. This rich civil...
An unofficial web-based, open-source reimplementation of the 2000 visual novel Tsukihime.
I want that person. The princess's life trajectory intersects with the hearts of the two men.
Enter U.A High, a school for training the next generation of heroes and heroines! Though our hero didn’t enroll just to attend a few classes, a few strange secrets lie below the sc...
One location, two characters, interactive dialog and sexual foreplay leading to hot sex scene where you control the action.
Juno's rent money has gone missing! The end of the month draws near- what is an attractive and spunky girl to do in a situation like this? Join Juno and her friends as they try to...
You woke up with no memory intact and greeted by two girls claiming they're Grim Reapers. What's more, they tell you you're currently in their world and you're no longer human.
A homoerotic visual-novel and rpg by Hyao.
A classic dating sim, project was started in 1997 by Sim-Man.
My Pleasure is a choice-driven adult Visual Novel, full of hot women, mystery, and sex! This VN is packed with high-quality graphics, a rich story, humor, and hot close-up animatio...