The story follows Toono Shinra and his sister Toono Ren, they hold a special power that allows them to transfer a person's pain to them with a simple touch, in exchange they receiv...
White Album 2 is a Japanese adult visual novel, taking place in the same setting as its predecessor with approximately ten years having been elapsed since the events of the first W...
The third Boys Love Game by Nitro+CHiRAL of Togainu no Chi fame, sweet pool begins with the return of Youji Sakiyama to his Catholic high school after being confined in hospital fo...
A school field trip to the nearby beach island Chikubijima suddenly goes on lockdown due to some unknown circumstances in Japan and various other countries around the world, leavin...
Explore the college campus, and work your way up to telling the goth girl you have a crush on how you REALLY feel. Solve puzzles, buy food, and explore a eerily empty dorm.
Yousuke returned to his hometown of Oboshiro-mura after 8 years in Tokyo and Osaka. He had received a letter from Father Arakawa, who had raised him up as a child, telling him that...
Emily has a problem and it's not a little one. Join her and her friends on this hybrid visual novel adventure with select animated scenes. A slice of life comedy featuring Emily co...
Seduce your classmates while the world around you crumbles! Resist temptation while attempting sanity! Go to prom and become a decadent slave to your desires! Confront mortality an...
Loca-Love is a visual novel with art by nanaca mai, of Corona Blossom and Grisaia fame, and a story by Japanese writer Hozumi Kei, famous for his sweet and romantic love stories. T...
Clara wants to take first place in a Beauty Contest but meets her long-time rival Sherly and childhood friend Olivia. Will Clara be able to win, or will other feelings awaken in he...
There is a small village. One day, two university students visit the village to do research about a local legend handed down from generation to generation. However, they are struck...
The year was 432 BC and Athens was at its peak. Set out on an adventure and meet Femboys and other characters as you make your way through this interesting time in history.
In Sinsations, a BL / Yaoi Visual Novel, you play as Kosuke, Lucifer's newest Deadly Sin of Lust. Kosuke has to seduce all 6 of the other Deadly Sins to prove to Lucifer he's up to...
The world was destroyed, and the doomsday was here. I collapsed in the wasteland, short of food and water. Just as thought I was going to die, a young girl rescued me. Her name was...
Vampire Sweetie is a otome game by Sugar Beans.
This story is about Puerarium, a school isolated from the outside world by fog and thorns. Here strict discipline is always in effect, where the air always tense and time never dis...
Short Story Collection delivering 20 extra episodes featuring heroes of original game.
The protagonist - Usui Yoshihito works at Shinoda Shinjuku Detective Agency. The agency received a classified assignment from the Shinjuku Central PD. A joint-investigation behind...
Hey dude, Are you ready tonight for a new sexual adventure? Well, Listen to me. Do you see that pretty babe next to a bar table. I didn't see her here before. But I heard her name...
Foxy is a pure strategy game, without any RPG elements. The player is taken from one battle to another; there is no gameplay outside of battles. The battles take place in various c...
Traveling Stars is a Bishoujo Game, developed by GN Software and published by Piacci, which was released in Japan in 2016.
Paradise Heights is an eroge VN where the protagonist inherits managerial duties of an apartment complex inhabited mostly by amorous women.