Journey through a world filled with magic and monsters, treasures and traps, good and evil--a world unto itself where heroes are made not born. Take on perilous quests through neve...
Grabbed by the Ghoulies follows a young man named Cooper Chance who sets out to rescue his girlfriend, Amber, from Ghoulhaven Hall. This mansion is full of supernatural creatures,...
Ryuu ga Gotoku Ishin! is a spin-off game in the Yakuza series. Set in the chaotic Bakumatsu period (during and shortly after the American Civil War), Sakamoto Ryoma, is distressed...
Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst, a port of the Xbox version, was released for Microsoft Windows in 2004 through digital distribution, featuring both Episode I and Episode II, and...
The war between Demons and Angels takes you to hell and back in this third-person action game. You are Desmond, the one man with demonic powers who can decide the fate of our world...
Adventurers come across an ancient lithograph during their travels, supposedly very valuable, and desire to verify the authenticity of this artifact. To do so, the adventurers dive...
Пиратские воины возвращаются и приносят с собой более взрывоопасную историю, больше окружения и еще более безумные атаки в ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS 4. Следуйте за Луффи и Соломен...
River City Girls Zero lets you experience the first time that Misako and Kyoko teamed up with Kunio and Riki to take to the streets in hard-hitting, curb-stomping action. While the...
The Desolation of Mordor Story Expansion includes: New Story campaign New Side missions featuring Torvin New Human Mercenaries and Bodyguards New Region of Mordor - The Desert of...
Argul's Tomb is the first DLC for Darksiders II. It was included free for anyone who ordered the limited edition of Darksiders II. In the Deathinitive edition, the DLC is unlocked...
Set on an Earth where mankind is being steadily annihilated by the alien invaders known as the Beta, Project Mikhail lets you pilot a humanoid weapon called Tactical Surface Fighte...
A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of Zero. It is an episode about how Zero met Michael. (Acquire Ending A to access this DLC).
A remake exclusively for the Zeebo with improved graphics, a more possible sequence of moves, new enemies, and unlockable characters in Battle Extra,
Captain America: Super Soldier combines a highly athletic combat system with fluid platforming and a highly tuned suite of shield attacks, as Cap explores a massive castle turned m...
A Warrior Slave… Chosen by the Gods… To restore the glory of an Empire. In the Year 106 AD the Roman Empire is in terrible decline. After the untimely death of the much-loved Empe...
The commercial success of the Project .Hack franchise led to the production of .hack//frägment—a remake of the series with online capabilities. The game uses the same engine as the...
Embark on an extraordinary journey through the desolated kingdom of Penumbra and discover the hidden secrets of this long-forgotten land. Explore mystical temples, encounter surviv...
Blightbound is a multiplayer dungeon crawler that tasks three heroes to venture down from their mountain refuge to face the abominations of the Blight - a mysterious and corrupting...
Ascenders is a sci-fantasy, open-world action RPG with a fully decentralized, player-driven economy. The stunning and savage world of Ascension is a vast and untamed place – full...
Target of Desire is about 2 characters: Maia and Maria. The video game follows the story of Maia. The story of Maria can also be found in her blog. Maria has a blog under the use...
A creeping winter is slowly taking over everything it touches, and the source of its chilling power is a powerful creature known as the Wretched Wraith. To stop the never-ending wi...
Meet Sir Whoopass, the hero who due to a series of hilarious and poor life choices manages to bring chaos and disarray to an utopian world. He must find The Villain-Beating Artifac...
One True Hero is an epic 3D platforming adventure featuring a young hero who can barely save himself! Explore ancient ruins, defeat an army of evil minions and unravel the mystery...
Heart&Slash - это 3D-драчун, действие которого разворачивается в мире, где машины - это все, что осталось от человеческой цивилизации. Вы играете за Сердце, невинного робота, борющ...
Embark on an epic odyssey to save your sister and the whole of humankind from dimensional invaders in a stylish single player action-adventure RPG. Chain lightning-fast combos, le...
A fanfic game of Kemono Friends. Hack and slash action RPG. You can summon Friends and fight together. There are more than 30 Friends. There are more than 60 types of enemies. Ther...
Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed - это видеоигра в жанре хак-энд-слэш и спин-офф серии игр Hyperdimension Neptunia. Игрок может выбрать двух персонажей для игры и перекл...
Capcom Heroes allows players to dress up like characters from other Capcom video games. Each character has their own unique set of abilities or weapons.