Heading back to the early days of the Dragon Ball story, players control Kid Goku as he sets out on fantastic adventures with his friends. The title faithfully reproduces the uniqu...
The world of Invizimals The Resistance features a pulse-pounding storyline that immerses players in an epic adventure. There are 150 creatures waiting to be captured, including 90...
Giants Uprising is a medieval fantasy action adventure game full of Giants and unlimited destruction! Take on the role of a powerful Giant who finally breaks free from enslavement...
Shadow War is a MMORPG set in a fantasy Eastern-themed environment. The game was released in Taiwan and Brazil and, even though officially offline since 2013, it still has active p...
Spiritfall is a fast-paced Action Roguelite inspired by Platform Fighters. Battle against a multitude of enemies using an ever-changing arsenal of divine powers.
The story of Chaos Legion is a gothic opera which begins November, 791 A.S. (Anno Satanis): The protagonist, Sieg Wahrheit, is a Knight of the Dark Glyphs who is on a quest under c...
In feudal Japan, it was kill or be killed for the samurai. Kengo: Legend of the 9 lets you battle as one of nine famous samurai warriors while mastering expert techniques to gain a...
Play as Zero's Sister Five, in this additional level. A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of Five. Control Five and find out about her past episodes. (Acquir...
Its a first person, fast paced 3D hack and slasher game, developed by a small studio consisting of high school students. Its at prototype stage, where I'm mainly just trying to gam...
Blade of Darkness is a hardcore fantasy action-adventure with unique combat mechanics and role-playing elements that pioneered the “soulsborne” genre. Pick one of four characters t...
In a mysterious region of China, Ryuhi, was born and raised in high mountain tops. There he received instruction from his wise teacher, Juan. At a young age he became a master of K...
Play as Zero's Sister Three, in this additional level. A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of Three. Control Three and find out about her past episodes. (Acq...
Zhust: The Illusion Soul is third person Action, Hack & Slash game. It has Combat system with various combo and fast-paced attack moveset.
Play as Zero's Sister Four, in this additional level. A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of Four. Control Four and find out about her past episodes. (Acquir...
In a time before civilization, in a land long forgotten, rivers ran with blood and the skies were lit with the power of magic. To this land came a race to combat the dark forces,...
Samurai Riot is a 2D cooperative Beat’em up Arcade game with a twist! Playing as Sukane or Tsurumaru, two charismatic warriors torn between their duty and beliefs, follow your own...
Play as Zero's Sister Two, in this additional level. A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of Two. Control Two and find out about her past episodes. (Acquire E...
Fight for survival in this dark massively multiplayer hack and slasher.
OMG! My dear princesses is kidnapped by the evil power! What are you waiting for, huh? Grab your weapon and get on the journey to save your princess and free the world! You’ll be s...
The gods’ torturous rule over humanity has lasted for millennia. Bent on cruelty and suffering, they demand to be served with blind worship through an oath of fealty pledged from e...
Play as Zero's Sister One, in this additional level. A prequel to the main chapters of the game about the story of One. Control One and find out about her past episodes. (Acquire E...
This arcade conversion is a beat 'em up in which you (as Lee Wong) must rescue the village children from the evil Ryo Ken Oh. Many levels are horizontally scrolling, although with...
The Ninja Warriors is a side-scrolling action game released by Taito in 1987. Control the cyborg-ninjas, ninja and Kunoichi, as you take down the Demon King, Banglar. Defeat the on...
In each city you need to destroy the buildings until you find the Roc's egg. There is an egg hidden in most but not all of the cities. You will need to punch the buildings to demol...
A kabuki warrior steps into a time portal to go back to the Shogun dynasty to defeat the evil lord Kabuki. The game is basically a side-scrolling beat-em up game, with the player c...
Action roguelike for 1-4 players with cute graphics and deep game mechanics. Combine dozens of different weapons, magic items, potions and spells with unique effects to beat 7 enem...
Torvak the Warrior is a hack and slash platform game. It was released for the Commodore Amiga and Atari ST. The gameplay has been compared to that of the Rastan Saga series. Armed...
This game is based on some dreams that always appear during the period of fighting with depression. The impression of some dreams is fragmented and remains in the memory. Finally,...