Enter Double Dragon Trilogy, a compilation including all three installments of the beloved arcade series: Double Dragon, Double Dragon 2: The Revenge, and Double Dragon 3: The Rose...
Warriors of Fate is a beat'em up with nine stages. Each contains large mobs including spearman, archers, strongmen, bomb-wielding opponents, and at least one boss. Using two button...
Основанный на вышедшей в 1994 году игре Ninja Warriors: Again, которая является переложением аркадной игры The Ninja Warriors, выпущенной Super Famicom в 1987 году, The Ninja Savio...
The Game Boy version of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a single-player side-scrolling action game similar to the SNES version. The player can choose to play as any of t...
When Uncle Grandpa accidentally drives the UG-RV through multiple dimensions, he picks up some surprise passengers in the form of Gumball, Steven Universe, Finn, Mordecai and Clare...
YOU CAN TEACH A NEW SKULL OLD TRICKS Metro City is under attack, and this time a new crime organization is claiming responsibility. Pulling pages from the Mad Gear Gang's guideboo...
Aliens are creating mutants on Earth, and it is up to Godzilla to save the planet from the giant monsters in GODZILLA THE SERIES: MONSTER WARS. You take control of the giant lizard...
Two Crude Dudes is a 1991 beat 'em up arcade game produced by Data East. The game was later ported to the Sega Genesis in 1992. Outside Japan, the port was released under the name...
Little Fighter 2 is a popular Hong Kong freeware PC fighting game for Windows and is the sequel to the game Little Fighter (LF1). Little Fighter 2 was created by Marti Wong and Sta...
Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (River City Ransom in North America, Street Gangs in Europe) was ported to the Sharp X68000, a Japanese computer platform, and released in April 1990....
Released in 1992 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Brawl Brothers is a side-scrolling beat 'em up game by Jaleco, serving as the sequel to Rival Turf! and preceding The...
Unlike Technos' subsequent game Double Dragon, the playing field is limited to one two-screen-wide area (a subway platform, a harbor, an alley, a parking lot and the hideout of a g...
Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantou-hen is the first game in the Kunio-kun series released by Technōs Japan for the Game Boy. It is a sequel to Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun, but us...
Самый быстрый скандалист в мире вернулся. Испытайте кинематографическое кунг-фу в самом эпическом боевике stickman, когда-либо созданном. Оставаясь верным оригиналу, вы играете все...
Олдскульный 3D-экшен Beat-Em-Up! Используйте свой ум, реакцию и окружающую среду, чтобы сразиться с безжалостными бандами Головокружительного города!
In addition to the original four heroes found in its predecessor, Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Cleric, Dwarf, Elf and Fighter), Shadow of Mystara adds a Thief and a Magic-Use...
Separation Anxiety is a side scrolling beat'em up game, featuring characters and stories taken from the Spiderman comics. The story is loosely based on a mini series of comics abou...
Привет, я Мисако из средней школы Неккетсу. Я менеджер нашей местной футбольной команды. Наконец, мы можем доказать, что ФК Неккетсу - величайшая команда в мире. Если мы будем усер...
Choose a side, master your moves, and embrace your destiny in an epic beat 'em up adventure inspired by the hit show. Take control of 8 playable characters with deep movesets, comb...
DJ Boy, also known as DJ Kid, was designed as a standard side-scrolling beat'em up game partially based on the hip-hop culture of the U.S. cities. What made the game unique at the...
Billy, Jimmy, and the whole Double Dragon gang fight for the Sacred Stones to save in the world in yet another beat-em-up.
Things are rarely ever black and white, but that’s not the case in Black & White Bushido. With an original soundtrack and gorgeous, stylistic 2D visuals, you’re either a light or s...
Ожидание закончилось! Раш, Зитц и Прыщ наконец-то возвращаются, чтобы пробиться сквозь совершенно новое остросюжетное приключение с хореографическим хаосом, и диванный кооператив,...
A new Gear arises, its name Leopaldon. As they threaten to lay waste to the world, you prepare to mount your offense. The good news? You won't have to face them alone. Guilty Gear...
Tournament Tactics immerses you in a challenging tournament set in the Yu Yu Hakusho universe. Create a team with up to five characters, and then use your players' unique combos, s...
Originating in the arcades, Dynasty Wars is a beat-em-up set during the Three Kingdoms Era of the Chinese history, and is, more specifically, based on the Tenchi o Kurau manga adap...
Up to three players, as the Battletoads, brawl aliens and mutant rodents through six levels to save the universe from the Dark Queen. The game also includes vertical and bonus leve...
A game that finally delivers a proper display of Chuck Norris' unparalleled skills roundhouse kicks it way to the iPhone/iPod.