Originating in the arcades, Dynasty Wars is a beat-em-up set during the Three Kingdoms Era of the Chinese history, and is, more specifically, based on the Tenchi o Kurau manga adap...
A one-level vertical slice created as proof of concept for a reboot of the Golden Axe series, released eight years after its creation by the now-defunct SEGA Studios Australia.
Spells and Fellas is an action-packed survival game with magic-based combat. Bring your enemies to their knees and receive more powerful spells and equipment as loot. Recruit allie...
Ancient Abyss is a 2D Zelda-like action game where you will explore mysterious and hidden events in a randomly generated maze. As you progress, you’ll gain more power and collect i...
Seal the Gate Of Doom forever! Gate of Doom is a classic arcade multiplayer action RPG originally released in 1990. You and a friend take on the role of one of four heroes of proph...
Its a first person, fast paced 3D hack and slasher game, developed by a small studio consisting of high school students. Its at prototype stage, where I'm mainly just trying to gam...
The Genji and the Heike Clans (Genpei Touma-den) is a side-scrolling hack and slash platform game. The player controls Taira no Kagekiyo, a samurai who was killed in the Battle of...
Fuuun Gokuu Ninden is a 1996 platformer for the Playstaton one developed and published by Aicom.
The game has 16 levels, though many are quite short. Much like Capcom's Knights of the Round, King of Dragons features an role-playing video game-like level advancement system. Poi...
Musashi Ganryuki, known outside Japan as Ganryu, is a platformer and hack and slash video game developed by Visco Corporation and published by SNK in 1999 on Neo Geo MVS. It is loo...
Deeper Dungeons is essentially a repack of the original Gauntlet with new, redesigned dungeons.
Wizard Fire is a classic cooperative multiplayer action RPG. It is set in the 4th century A.D., in the Empire of Aul, where the evil wizard Zenon plans to sacrifice one hundred and...
The Legend of Kage is a port of the 1985 arcade game under the same name. The player is armed with a kodachi shortsword and an unlimited amount of shuriken. Grabbing a crystal bal...
Life forge is an ORPG designed to be what you make of it. The story is simple, you are found unconscious along a shore line by an elderly man who leads you to his home for shelter...
Plop down on the couch in your comfiest pajamas, grab a big bowl of cereal, and prepare to enter Kokoro Clover, a 2D platformer inspired by Sunday morning Japanese anime shows of t...
In a time before civilization, in a land long forgotten, rivers ran with blood and the skies were lit with the power of magic. To this land came a race to combat the dark forces,...
Arabian Nights is a 3-D action-adventure arcade video game published in 2001 for Microsoft Windows. It was published by Visiware and Wanadoo. It is based on One Thousand and One Ni...
Recreated for Game Boy Advance, Gauntlet Dark Legacy is an action-adventure videogame that continues the time-honored “hack-n-slash” style of gameplay where players embark on a myt...
A shooty, slashy, RPG-y game mixing retro and modern sensibilities. A blend of influences from Gauntlet & Smash TV to Zelda & Angband, battle ASCII creatures in colorful areas & fr...
OMG! My dear princesses is kidnapped by the evil power! What are you waiting for, huh? Grab your weapon and get on the journey to save your princess and free the world! You’ll be s...
The deeper you travel the darker it gets, and you only have your arrows to light the way.
Crumbling World is a dark fantasy arcade game inspired by Diablo and Ghouls'n Ghosts, set in a sinister, slowly decomposing land. Across five unique regions, make haste through 25...
Face the Lords of the Void and their endless minions, collect their Soulstones and become a god! In this Action Roguelite, unveil secret spells, craft mighty weapons, unlock multip...
The gameplay is very similar to the original Gauntlet, a topdown dungeon crawl supporting up to four players. The biggest difference from the original game is that players can choo...
Olija is a game about Faraday's quest, a man shipwrecked then trapped in the mysterious country of Terraphage. Armed with a legendary harpoon, he and other castaways try to leave t...
Barbearian - это быстро развивающийся хак-н-слэш с масштабными сражениями в красочном, нарисованном от руки мире. Сражайтесь за свою жизнь, раскройте секреты Арбитров и найдите сво...
Your arch-nemesis and his goons have thrown you into one of the most dangerous dungeons – fight your way to freedom & revenge! Arcade-style hack & slash adventure. Procedurally gen...