Nicole is a dating sim that revolves around your day-to-day life as a college student. You can take up part-time jobs to earn money, explore various locations, do recreational and...
Shin Hayarigami was made to be a fresh start while being a continuation of the Hayarigami trilogy. The game is a violent detective visual novel where recent murder victims match t...
It's a romance game where you can experience the thrill of an office romance where you have to keep your relationship secret. What will happen when you're alone with him in the con...
There is a prophecy that every 1000 years, when the destruction draws near, the Messiah will come from a different world to the root world of Avatar and save them all. Mia Touma,...
It's the season for penny buns, Grandma forced you to come along a bit. But deep down you know it'll do you good and take your mind off of things. Lieve Oma is a short top-down 3D...
War hangs like the sword of Damocles over Helvetia, a land ruled by four Dark Lords. In this age of blood and strife, Leonhardt Arknoah, a war hero and leader of the Varganian Empi...
In a scenic valley, there's a celebrity boarding school called Hakuou Gakuen. At a glance the school is full of smart and beautiful guys. Behind it, a secret club nobody knows of...
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Sui is a port of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita by Kaga Create, featuring new character and background art and CGs. It re...
Присоединяйтесь к 18 возможным лучшим друзьям в безумном приключении через причудливую среднюю школу в этом пародийном визуальном романе! Празднуйте странные праздники! Посещайте с...
A relaxing adventure/visual novel game in an open environment where you can explore a remote island together with your childhood friend!
У вас есть 3 недели, чтобы найти пару для выпускного вечера монстров! Проходите через абсурдные и забавные ситуации, повышайте свою статистику и соблазняйте одного из своих однокла...
Вас пригласили посещать магическую школу. Вы можете завести новых друзей, выучить заклинания, сдать экзамены, баллотироваться на должность директора класса и попытаться найти дату...
It's ALIVE!! This is the first Halloween Special for the Viridescent Dragon visual novel series! Join Charlotte, Seleste and Dawn as they try to throw a Halloween Party they'll nev...
Милые птички из Hatoful Boyfriend вернулись в ремастированном праздничном сиквеле Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star! Путешествуйте по фантастически стилизованным мирам, познакомьтесь...
An spin-off of the Atelier series without RPG elements and focusing on communication between the characters.
Xenosaga Freaks was only released in Japan and it contains 2 games, an Encyclopedia of terms used in Xenosaga Episode 1, and a demo for Xenosaga Episode 2. The main game is XenoCo...
The Men of Yoshiwara is a popular romance game for women. At the end, to whom is it that you will be talking of love? Vocal opening song/English text
Mario has heard rumours of an abandoned mansion that has been close to the Mushroom Kingdom for over a century. Any person who dares step into the mansion's rooms, never returns. M...
A love comedy set in the voice acting industry, from the point of view of voice actresses, managers, and sound engineers... and it's, like, 78% accurate! Play it, and you might fin...
Updates graphics and adds scenario, CG's, and new OP/ED. Storm Lover is a tempest that blows itself into the world of otome dating sims. By allowing gamers to break up with their...
Mato Anomalies is a turn-based RPG that takes players on a journey across Mato, a fantasized neo-futuristic version of a bygone oriental city. Take control of the Dual Protagonists...
Diplomatic queen simulation + medieval fantasy romance. As the sole heiress to the late king, you must show that you have what it takes to rule the kingdom. Or perhaps you'd prefer...
Muv-Luv Photonflowers* - это один из двух сборников побочных сюжетов в серии визуальных романов Muv-Luv, выпущенных в 2014 году, другой - Photonmelodies♮.
Ночь за ночью один и тот же сон о гильотине. Серийный убийца, охотящийся за головами. И рыцари в черном, которые вскоре последуют за ними. Иррациональность, которая бросает вызов ц...
Окунитесь в меланхоличную жизнь японской старшеклассницы, поскольку вскоре вы окажетесь вплетены в спор между двумя студентками. Узнайте больше об их прошлом, собирая воедино их от...
Это была история о людях и монстрах, болезнях и призраках, прошлом и будущем. Это приведет вас к необычной традиционной японской культуре.
As the summer heat fades, Suoh Shirahane is just one step away from unraveling the mystery of why her beloved Amitie partner left in the spring.
In her mid-20's, Kelly has been forced to move back to Nebraska. Back to that flat expanse, that seemingly endless sea of rustling cornstalks peppered by rusty silos and rustier to...