Intense survival experience based on a Sci-Fi, space terror script. Unravel the story of Ferdinand Ludec as he attempts to escape his fortune. Partially procedural world along with...
Nirvana X-ROM is the companion game to the Italian SciFi film Nirvana directed by Gabriele Salvatores. It is set after the events of the film: VR game developer Jimi Dini has wiped...
Why can't you remember a time before the snow started falling? The Cabin is a short, first person, slow-burn psychological thriller set in a cabin. Why is this cabin here? Better...
Игра Riven: The Sequel to Myst 1997 года, переделанная с нуля. Ремейк Riven представляет собой полностью проходимое трехмерное пространство.
A short, quirky sci-fi mystery about freedom, choice, and loneliness.
Far into the future, in the year 1999: David, a systems operator, runs from his troubles by taking a job on a space station. After arriving, his mundane work turns into a struggle...
Inside the Void is an exploration game where you must navigate through seven alien structures in an effort to unravel the disappearance of lost crew members. You will encounter mes...
HeIp Wanted is a built-for-VR, sci-fi, action, adventure, FPS, that allows you to fight inside of an experiment gone wrong. Become the agent, C-962, and team up with Arsenal to sav...
As the player, you are “low-fi”, the street name given to those who cannot merge with the platform, a ubiquitous virtual reality simulation where most of the population now live th...
Asteroid Five is a first person space exploration game where you investigate the inner caves of an asteroid passing by your planet. Aboard your ship, dive into the deeps of the ast...
NeonNoir is a hybrid point-and-click adventure/visual novel game for the Amiga 1200.
Place yourself at the heart of a battle for the Universe, GRONIONS for PC, is a fast-paced single-player action shooter, about exploration, survival, 3 game modes: campaign, frenzy...
Grid:Locked is a city building puzzle game, with an interactive world, varied optional game mechanics - like driving, platforming, collectible hunting - and an engaging narrative.
Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei is a Super Famicom remake made by Atlus of Namco’s original Megami Tensei and Megami Tensei 2 games on the Famicom. It was released in 1995 and was the last...
Look though the eyes and visor of bounty hunter Dugon as you follow him on his quest to exterminate the alien parasites called zyphoids and discover the truth about Planet Zyphamin...
Escape Simulator: Among Us DLC is a free DLC for Escape Simulator, made by Pine Studio in collaboration with Innersloth, based on Innersloth's beloved hit game Among Us. Solve a va...
A subterranean puzzle-adventure game inspired by 90's era. There’s no handholding, no in-game menus, no messages from the devs, no tutorial. Some call it a marvel; some call it a g...
Mindseeker is an Adventure game, developed and published by Namco, which was released in Japan in 1989.
Get two classic Star Wars games with the Star Wars Jedi Knight Collection, which includes Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Meet icon...
Project Ultra is a game with a kind of humoristic game design/mechanics. This game contains references to many conspiracies involving UFOs so if you follow the development of this...
The city is full of people to watch and you love to watch them. Don't you want to privately talk to people who have similar interests as you, without probes reading your mind? Tha...
Andromeda Zombies Colonies is an First Person Shooter video game featuring zombies. You awaken near a station on a red planet but an experiment turn wrong and now, hostile aliens h...
Uru: The Path of the Shell is the second and final expansion pack for Uru: Ages Beyond Myst. It also included the first expansion pack, Uru: To D'ni. Unlike To D'ni, which was fre...
Play as Sam or Farah as they attempt to navigate the neon thrills of their cyberpunk city Love Shore, solve murders, fight gods and maybe fall in love.
A bundle including the complete versions of Q.U.B.E. 10th Anniversary and Q.U.B.E. 2 (packaged as Q.U.B.E. 2 Deluxe Edition on the Epic Game Store and Q.U.B.E. 2 + Season Pass on S...
Ad Astra! (translation: To the Stars!) is a space mod for Fabric and Forge with a focus on technology, travel and exploration. We've got everything you need to become an astronaut:...
Celestial is an open-world space survival game playing on a spherical planet. It's the year 2542 and you play in the role of an Astronaut who is tasked with testing the first Warp...