Quod unfolds in a 1930s Texas prison. The main character must escape and uncover the truth. Brace yourself for eerie occurrences and solve intricate puzzles to unveil the terrifyin...
In this chilling horror experience, immerse yourself in the eerie confines of a desolate house consumed by anomalies set loose by a devastating virus. Equipped with only a camera a...
Supernatural Shenanigans is a 2-player online co-op game where you take on the role of a supernatural detective that investigates dark rituals. Get together with a friend, gather a...
The house formerly belonged to a singer who had some success in the 1980s as part of a duo, singing about tropical holidays and whatnot, before going solo and achieving greater suc...
5 Nights At Grek's Hotel is a game where you rent a room for a few days, only to realize something is terribly wrong. It only lasts about half an hour, but it depends on how well y...
The first entry in the D series and one of the first games released by the company, it dealt with taboo content such as violence and cannibalism, featured 3D CGI full-motion video...