The Super Robot Wars-inspired Touhou Project crossover Gensou Shoujo Wars first launched on PC in 2010 and is now releasing on Nintendo Switch in 2021. The game, fusion of bullet...
Atai no Gensokyo is a fan-made Touhou Project-roguelike game created by AQUA STYLE. It is a spin-off game of Fushigi no Gensokyo made for April Fools' Day, featuring Cirno as the p...
Во второй части серии Pokemon Ranger вы снова играете за рейнджера Pokemon, помогая людям, покемонам и природе в новой области под названием регион Альмия. Начав как студент-рейндж...
Your kingdom was at peace when without warning monsters from space attacked! Smashing deep into the ground they trapped the world, and its heroes, in technomagic crystal. Now its u...
Исследуйте 216 комнат со случайно сгенерированными опасностями и врагами, собирая необходимые артефакты в Castle of No Escape 2, фэнтезийной стратегической RPG. Сотни монстров брод...
Welcome, the chosen one, La Place, the city blessed by divines is under shadow of evils nowadays. We need your power to find the truth behind and bring the light back again.
A turn based rogue-like about getting the drop on your enemies, learning to overcome their patterns and a nifty little jump.
Adds the player & partner character Cirno to Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded.
Tormenta: Memórias da Tempestade is an upcoming action RPG based on the tabletop RPG Tormenta, developed by Dumativa Game Studio in partnership with the game publisher Jambô.
Dragalia Lost - это управляемая салфетками экшн-ролевая игра о связях, разделяемых людьми и драконами. Побеждайте своих врагов, используя множество мощных атак и специальных навыко...
Bombing sounds echo in the late of night! Destroy enemy command tanks in the bombardment!
Legends of Persia is an Action RPG Adventure game in style of Diablo which incorporates bloody battles, Item usage, Character building, and storyline incorporation. The storyline r...
Final Fantasy VI Advance is more than a simple port of the SNES classic: every aspect of the games has been reviewed and enhanced. Additionally, a host of brand-new elements has be...
The first new Disgaea game in six years is here! Meet Zed, a zombie that has risen above them all except one - a God of Destruction! Can a mere Netherworld zombie rise up and dest...
Voice of Cards: The Forsaken Maiden is a RPG set on a remote chain of islands that have been protected by the maidens for generations, but which now face destruction. The hero of t...
Legasista is a PlayStation 3 game published by Nippon Ichi Software. It was released in Japan on disc in March 2012 then in North America and Europe exclusively as a downloadable g...
Версия Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, включая добавленный контент в Afternoon of Darkness и Disgaea PC, была выпущена для Nintendo Switch и PlayStation 4 9 октября 2018 года под назван...
Train of the Century is a railroad simulator RPG built on the WAX blockchain. Players are known as Railroaders and can build trains, deliver commodities to player-owned stations, i...
A roguelike where your only weapon at hand is a fishing rod. Classic roguelike gameplay with the twist of being able to lure enemies toward your bait instead of you. Attack them w...
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku! is the latest entry in the Cladun fantasy action RPG series. You as the player will meet classic heroes from Japan's Sengoku Era and help the souls...
Экшн-головоломка RPG в стиле ретро! Бич вернулся с удвоенной силой! Запечатайте его навсегда! Соберите три символа Духа, чтобы проложить путь к победе!
An open world Pokemon Crystal ROM hack. Pick your starter, your region, customize your character, and then do whatever you want. You can collect all 16 badges, challenge the new E...
Play your way through the different maps generated with every playthrough, constantly on the move away from the calamity of light, the Shine Raid, to your left and on your final ba...
Heroes of Delum - стратегия в реальном времени, одиночная и многопользовательская кооперативная игра. Играйте от 1 до 5 друзей и выживайте вместе! Вдохновленные пользовательской к...
Рубите, рубите и бросайтесь на силы тьмы. Штурмуйте замки и горные логова, чтобы освободить все в этой суперлегкой модернизации классической формулы roguelike! Будете ли вы играть...
On March 28th, 2013, an iOS remaster was released worldwide and the Android version on September 26, 2013. The game is based on the Game Boy Advance version and thus includes all i...
Select your character and explore all the levels. From dungeons to mines a passage through hell to freezing ice mountains, you will face lots of dangers to reach the final fortres...
From AlphaDream and Graphic Research, Tomato Adventure is an RPG released only in Japan. Taking place in a kingdom with tomatoes abound, the gameplay is similar to that of the Mari...