Super Mario RPG: The Seven Sages is a Mario-series fan game created by the team ICU Gigasoft with the RPG Maker 2003 engine. The game tells about Mario, Luigi, and Bowser in a jour...
In this original coming-of-age RPG, step into the life of Nini, a newly earthbound teen who arrives in the quaint Japanese town of Ashihara in August 1983. Explore the town, befrie...
Return of the Dark Sorcerer is an incredibly large fan-made Final Fantasy 6 modification that’s been in development since around 2010. Originally the brainchild of Gi Nattak, the p...
A remake of the second game in the Paper Mario series, originally released for the Nintendo GameCube. Turn the page and join Mario and friends in an RPG adventure to discover the...
A Japanese mobile game directed by Yoko Taro. It is developed by Pockelabo and published Square Enix.
A board game with RPG mechanics and a turn-based combat system for battles. Four characters are brought into the game, each character has 2 supporting units that appear in battle....
Ao no Exorcist: Genkoku no Labyrinth is a visual novel mixed with an RPG-style combat game developed by Netchubiyori and published by Namco Bandai Games, based on the manga Blue Ex...
Title is google translated. A martial arts strategy game were players must figure out the enemies martial art routines to find weaknesses and attack accordingly using your own r...
An action strategy RPG with futuristic fights of Gods against Thanatos and his army. Start your journey from hot deserts through many famous places in the world to Thanatos Cast...
Help Birk unravel a mysterious attack on the peaceful Kingdom of Nidala.
Design your hero and power him up to levels of god like proportions and achieve immortality. Beware as an evil force is also striving for the same goal as you.
Discover your own legend in Lucid. Platform through a crystalline world torn apart by calamity, absorb powerful abilities that expand movement and enhance combat against a diverse...
Qurare: Magic Library is a next-generation card battle RPG with impressive visual graphics and an all-new battle system. It is the first game to feature multiplayer raids on the mo...
Беззаботный гибрид приключения укажи и щелкни и платформера metroidvania, действие игры разворачивается в жуткой древней школе магии Хагмор в ночь проведения важного ритуала. Приго...
Dragon Champions is a free-to-play mobile turn-based fantasy RPG
A great return for true nostalgic Zelda II lovers! Return after 30 years with a new path and search for 6 new guarded palaces to place the crystals on statues in order to break the...
Шестая часть серии Final Fantasy была названа Final Fantasy III на Западе, потому что три из пяти предыдущих частей серии не были выпущены там в то время. Подобно своим предшествен...
Kitsu's Destiny is a clicker-style RPG made in RPG Maker. It has a dynasty mechanic, the more damage you deal, the more Gold and Experience your get try again. You have equipment a...
Below the Root is an adventure game released in 1984 by Windham Classics, a division of Spinnaker Software. It is titled after Below the Root, the first of the Green Sky Trilogy of...
Sun Wukong must assist the Buddhist monk Xuanzang with his task of collecting some sūtras as they make the treacherous voyage from China to India. Other guardians can be asked to j...
The first installment of an ambitious yet unfinished trilogy of JRPGs for the PC Engine-CD.
Defender's Quest - это гибрид Tower Defense и RPG, фокусирующийся на трех вещах: тактической глубине, кастомизации и сюжете.
A dark fantasy journey where you get into the shoes of a simple man, one whose life was taken and body left to rot in the wastelands... A dark goddess offers you a chance for venge...
Boom Slayer is an reckless and fun arcade. Your mission is shoot skull to reach the goal. But each level will be more complex and challenging !! Every level has limit of shots that...
The PlayStation 4 version of Fallen Legion, both versions have their own story and events following a different main character. Get ready to battle the beastly hordes in Fallen Le...
Langrisser II is a turn-based strategy game that was developed by Team Career, part of Masaya, and published by the parent company NCS Corporation. This version of the game was re...
She Dreams Elsewhere is a surreal adventure RPG about dreams and the extent to which they mirror reality. You play as Thalia, an anxiety-ridden, comatose woman on a journey to defe...