Chuusotsu! is a fun, colorful visual novel telling the story of three girls brought by their individual circumstances to live under the same roof and being forced to tackle existen...
Nami - a perfect student - accepts a special award on her Graduation Day - but suddenly finds herself facing the horrors of a one-day nightmare.
Join the Spirit Summoner, Treffy, in this side-scrolling action-platformer in the style of a Sunday morning anime TV show. In part 1, Treffy begins her story with Spirit friends an...
The first three chapters tell the extraordinary story of Dan - self-proclaimed Casanova. As Dan, you will have the opportunity to experience exciting adventures with such celebriti...
It’s time to kick ass and break hearts! Wrestling with Emotions: New Kid on the Block is a wrestling dating sim that combines elements of RPGs and punk games to create a uniquely a...
It seems that there can be no more boring profession in the world than a pawnshop appraiser. But a meeting with a mysterious but pretty stranger changes Dan's idea of his job.
A single declaration of love changes everything! Will Amaterasu be able to maintain her friendships, or lose them forever? Will cherished memories sour, or will she find the streng...
This dark act takes place in a single day of the Lighthouse Keeper. Listen to the keeper carefully and help him to interrupt his twenty-year shift at the Lighthouse.
Invisible Wings is a narrative adventure game that takes the player on a journey in a dystopian fantasy setting. Follow Dawn, a young woman of faerie descent, as she tries to find...
Two characters face head-to-head using their paddle and ball to shatter colour-matching gems and cascade rocks down on their opponent. Collect items and level up in Treasure Mode....
As a new recruit in a repair shop for synthetic bodies, your boss puts the pressure on to prepare a few hard drives for refurbishing. The trouble is, they're very alive, and it's u...
Scarlet Scarf is a visual novel inspired by the legend of Plague Maiden. Dive into the dark mysteries of a dying city with the fate of Sanator Richard Murdock in your hands. Perhap...
Relaxing exploration game made for the January 2021 Bitsy Jam.
This 8bit game is a port from a mystery source...This casual, linier, interactive story game centers around a campfire with old friends telling... tales.
“Under what?” is a short but very capacious story-tale about an old fisherman who suddenly faced the surface of the water. In this story there will be no dragons, the battle of goo...
Узнайте, как все это началось, в этом заманчивом визуальном романе-приквеле к Логову заводного бога. Присоединяйтесь к героям Дэну и Бену, которые переживают тяжелый первый школьны...
A dark fantasy roguelike shoot-em-up with lots of bullet hell featuring cute pixel art, visual novel interludes, and story-driven gameplay. Join Shirley in her journey to learn mag...
Beyond Clouds is a Galgame about love stories. It reflects everybody’s daily life with a tat of humor, and touches your soul by connecting with your life.
Исследуйте волшебный мир летнего лагеря в этой насыщенной сюжетом игре о молодой ведьме, вторгшейся в Царство людей. Заводите друзей, творите заклинания и раскрывайте секреты во вр...
A dark/funny/surreal game about loneliness and loss. Comes with chat-speaking cyclopic cat and moon that tells dad jokes.
The bootleg 2hu Yuuto Ichika is back to make some new friends! This Game Boy homebrew is available to be played on emulators, such as Visual Boy Advance, and real hardware. Explor...
Nothing is what it first appears. You live in a small, peaceful village. Every day is the same as any other; boring. Right when you wish for something exciting to happen, strange...
In 2030, humans successfully create a VRMMO Simulation game that players will play in a virtual reality world via a special Headset. You as a player join this game, encounter many...
Born with a birth defect that he hates, Kakeru struggles with severe anxiety and depression. Guide his timid decisions as he takes a brave step into a new world - joining his schoo...
Finally, a new universe is here! The great finale of the ten years history of the Trap series. This is the creation myth of the birth of a blessed world where Gods, men, and crossd...
While attending a religious recollection, Holly Beltran experiences strange hauntings throughout the convent. At night, broken faced statues and whispered prayers haunt Holly’s dre...
You are being hunted by the ancient witch Baba Yaga. Can you make the right decisions to survive? Or will spirits overtake the mansion?