Venba is a narrative cooking game, where you play as an Indian mom, who immigrates to Canada with her family in the 1980s. Players will cook various dishes and restore lost recipes...
Pokémon Emerald Version is a sister game to Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. Emerald Version provided the main storyline with more depth and length, as well as making small aesthetic cha...
You are drastically separated from your family in a scary forest with dangerous creatures, and you have to find them again! Ratyrinth is a cute and challenging precision platformer...
In Pokémon Platinum, another world has emerged in the Sinnoh Region, a world where space and time are altered! Catch, train, and battle your favorite Pokémon, and discover ancient,...
Gourmania 2 serves up a smorgasbord of Hidden Object fun as you manage quaint cafes in three locations around the world! Clean up cluttered storefronts, repair broken down bars and...
Pokémon Crystal is a special edition of Pokémon Gold and Silver. It added the option to play as a female character, expanded upon the storyline and made slight aesthetic changes to...