A thousand years ago, a great battle ensued between two dragons, one gold and the other silver, where they were sealed away. However, the real tale begins many centuries later afte...
Blame Him is a first-person adventure horror game with stealth and puzzle elements currently made by 2 people from Japan.
The successful indie survival RPG Dead Age (84% very positive) is back with a vengeance! No other game offers this mix of role-playing, rogue-like, fast-paced turn-based combat and...
Offroad Mania — основанная на реалистичной физике автомобиля игра для всех, кто любит бездорожье и сложные задачи. Мы подготовили для вас 120 уровней (скалы, деревья, мосты, пандус...
Devolverland Expo - это маркетинговый симулятор от первого лица, действие которого разворачивается в заброшенном конференц-центре после того, как ежегодная выставка цифровых игр De...
Embark on a road trip like no other in this co-op narrative survival adventure. Visit fun locations, meet wacky characters, and manage your resources wisely. And yes: you still can...
Hunt - Explore - Survive The most realistic prehistoric survival game ever created. Featuring a huge Cretaceous environment populated by horrifying all-stars, such as T-Rex, Tricer...
The original petty crime simulator. A flammable mix of turn-based survival and action-packed mini-games.
Красивая исследовательская игра от 3-го лица, в центре которой две параллельные истории: лиса, пытающаяся найти свою пропавшую семью, и молодая пара, переживающая собственную траге...
Злые силы превратили этих пятерых здоровенных мальчиков, перенесенных во времени, в животных! Вы должны помочь вылечить их и, возможно, даже влюбить! Тайна! Интрига! Романтика! Ник...
Wolf Simulator is a simulation game featuring survival elements. First, you will have to select a wolf class. Currently there are two: warriors and scouts. The class you choose wil...
ACE Academy - это комедийная игра, основанная на реальных событиях, с элементами симулятора свиданий; полностью озвученная и широко интерактивная!
Shoppe Keep 2 is an open world, first-person, multiplayer-focused merchant simulator, and is inspired by the shopkeepers that we know and love from classic RPGs and MMOs. In Sho...
Wilmot's Warehouse - это игра-головоломка о поддержании склада в идеальном состоянии. Вы играете за Уилмота, трудолюбивого сотрудника склада, которому поручено толкать, сортировать...
You're moving house! Move your belongings to your new home by precariously balancing it on the roof of your car in this extremely challenging physics based puzzle!
Street Striker is an arcade game about street fighting. Choose your hero and arena, find weapons, or use your hand-to-hand combat skills to stand up against waves of bandits and co...
Deep Despair 2 is an open world survival adventure action game with procedural generation and complete freedom of action: building, crafting, hunting, farming, livestock, brewing,...
Immerse yourself in a prehistoric ecosystem brought back from extinction. Survive and carve out your niche on islands teeming with danger and opportunity!
The beginning of the Datastream saga... Set some years in the future, following a global economic and social crash, Data Hacker Initiation follows Jay; a retired hacker in search...
Hurricane online shooter with many game modes and a huge arsenal of weapons. Fight other players or team up with them to defeat the hordes of zombies and mutants!
Vinylove is a small exploration game experience about the deep relationship between the songs we love and the memories they relate to. You will follow the short story of Alex, the...
Imagine that you don't have any modern technology. Use your mind to build from scratch your first primitive tools and constructions.
13 May 1985: Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! Mum gave me the best present ever! a Commander 85 – a super modern computer with real artificial intelligence! It’s very smart, and I can talk...
Enter the mind of traumatized WW1 veteran Alexander Dockter and experience the terrorizing experience of trying to escape a sinking ocean liner while being haunted by the most terr...
Благодаря технологии искусственного интеллекта нового поколения, BUDDY SIMULATOR 1984 имитирует общение с лучшим другом! Ваш приятель учится у вас, постоянно приспосабливаясь к ваш...
Join exciting robbery adventure. Be tricky and use your skills to complete your missions in green town. If you’re successful, you can enjoy well-deserved vacation at the seaside....
Welcome to Noah's Ark, a realistic simulator game inspired by stories from Genesis of the Bible. Now it is time for you to be like Noah and build famous vessel, save (hunt) animals...