Angel Flare (2017)
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Angel Flare (2017)

Дата выхода: 01 августа 2017
Жанры Инди, Экшен
Платформы PC, Mac

Angel Flare is a new approach to aerial shoot’em ups. We have created a shooter, but we also added minor RPG elements, such as pilots that affect the Plane controls, different types of planes each with varying attributes, unique upgrades for you plane, weapons and wingmen. Yes, in AngelFlare, you can have wingmen that help you fight, protect you, or collect items for you. Even these wingmen have upgrades! Angel Flare is all about customization, with hundreds of possible loadouts!

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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 01.08.2017
Mac 01.08.2017


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