This add-on presents an independent story set in the district town of Wellington Wells. His plot revolves around a rockman and the infamous heartbreaker Nick Lightbearer. Is the ar...
Phantaruk combines survival horror with adventure and stealth mechanics. Expect true shivers down your spine as you fight for your life not only facing the dangers of the Purity-02...
Winner of over 50 Game Of The Year awards. Contains the full game and seven packs of additional content: - Last Survivor and Crew Expendable (featuring the original AlienTM cast)...
Today is my Birthday offers a classic horror experience for fans of the genre, thrusting players into insurmountable odds with only a few tools at their disposal to escape death. Y...
Hellnight (Dark Messiah in Japan) is a survival horror game at heart, although it has no combat gameplay. Controlling the nameless hero, the player must travel through the undergro...
Hysteria Project is a groundbreaking gaming experience, where you are the hero of an entirely filmed adventure. Go along with the video clips, keep a sharp eye on what's going on a...
The apocalypse is here and you are stuck behind zombie lines. Here, the time is limited and you cannot afford to stop. To stay alive, you must shoot your way through the hungry hor...
From Frédérick Raynal, the creator of Alone in the Dark and pioneer of survival-horror, 2Dark is a grim journey of stealth and courage into the heart of corruption. Plagued by a st...
Stifled - это отмеченный множеством наград триллер о выживании в виртуальной реальности и с поддержкой микрофона, основанный на звуке, где звук - это единственный способ увидеть, а...
Flicker of Hope is a suspense thriller where you play as a small candle in the ruins of a dark cathedral. Though the halls are littered with victims of a mysterious plague, you are...
Sequel to Hysteria Project, it is a 'choose your own adventure' style game for PSN and Iphone with interspersed QTEs.
Ghost Theory is currently on Kickstarter. It is set to be a single player first-person horror game developed for Virtual Reality headsets but playable without them. In Ghost Theor...
Violation is a First Person Horror Game that takes Place in many other Worlds.
Noctambulant is a hand-drawn 2D survival and psychological horror game. Renee moves in with her grandmother after the passing of her parents in a tragic accident. Walk with Renee a...
From Richard Rouse III and inspired by real-life events, The Church in the Darkness is an action-infiltration game that delves into the radical movements of the 1970s. As a former...
Dreadhalls - это сканер подземелий ужасов для Oculus Rift и Gear VR Вы проснетесь в едва освещенном подземелье. Найдите его выход и избегайте существ, которые в нем обитают. Вашим...
Not a Happy Family is a game that you play as a blind protagonist. Your role in story mode is to explore the entire house for clues to understand your family's history. The plot...
A first-person immersive sim/action role-playing game set in the dark underbelly of the Dutch seaside resort of Noordwijk aan Zee. There is a high degree of interactivity, giving p...
In Starless, navigate a space Ark infested with terrifying monsters in this stealth-action game inspired by classic sci-fi. Can you help the colonists survive, or will they be doom...
Paradox of Hope is an immersive single-player VR shooter with survival and horror elements. Explore mysterious metro mazes of post-apocalyptic Moscow, use stealth or combat approac...
Polaroid is a first-person horror game where a simple job turns into a horrific nightmare. Tasked with printing out pictures (taken with a Polaroid camera!) and placing them into...
Judas is an atmospheric psychological horror experience. Accidentally trapped in an apartment complex, you face dark paranormal events that push you to escape as fast as possible;...
They Die Tomorrow is a co-op horror investigation game for 1-4 players that sends you to the scene of a murder right before it happens. Use discovered evidence and observed behavio...
An ancient evil has descended upon the rural town of Rabbit Hole. Now Shaun Turner not only has to untangle a twisted web of supernatural events and mysteries to save his family bu...
Killed in a military conflict, a girl returns from the dead with only one purpose: revenge. Using her paranormal ghostly abilities granted by the God of Death, you will fight horde...
White Shadows is a modern fable about escaping a dark, weird and violent world. A long time has passed since The Great War. Humanity is half human, half animal. What remains of civ...
A VR survival horror roguelike. Trapped in a dying spaceship filled with horrors, you must explore, survive, and find your way back to the safety of Earth. Cosmodread features a ri...
White Day: A Labyrinth Named School is the story of a young man 's trip into a school at the dead of night to deliver some candy in preparation for the Eastern holiday of the same...