The undead return in this new, jam-packed release with exciting, brainless creatures, weapons, puzzles, moody environments all wrapped up in a slick, player-friendly package. They...
Deathsmiles Enter the world of Gilverado, a kingdom plagued by hideous monsters and tortured souls. Choose from four angels with unique demonic familiars and battle against a storm...
If you think you are smart then this is a place where you can challenge the power of your mind. In this game you can use boxes and ladders to climb and find solutions to puzzles by...
Paracusia is a third person survival horror game featuring fixed cameras and tank controls. Use the various resources found in the theater to defend yourself from the horrors waiti...
The doors to hell have been opened. The Earth has become a battlefield among 10 infernal armies. Bael, the most feared among all demons, set out in an insane crusade to conquer the...