New dramatic horizontal shoot ’em up that takes place in the same setting as Ginga Force. An immersive story that follows protagonist Natsuki. Discover the story of her past as a r...
From the legendary game developers at Technosoft! Battle against the Vios forces and fly as RYNEX in this side-scrolling shmup that enthralled the world with its innovative ideas,...
Wii de Asobu: Metroid Prime 2 (also known as New Play Control! Metroid Prime 2) is a port of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes for the Wii, with motion controls compatibility.
Last Soul is a 2d pixel art action platformer with a compelling story about a future where mankind has lost its will. Explore and fight your way through a variety of levels, and ta...
The Scheme is an action RPG released by Bothtec (later known as Quest) for the PC-88 in 1988. It features Metroidvania-style open-world exploration, side-scrolling run & gun shoote...
Вернитесь к серьезным играм старой школы с Syder Arcade! Любовное письмо играм Amiga 90-х, никаких монет, никаких улучшений, только ваше упорство и чертова куча инопланетных захват...
You are a black ops male agent, sent to eliminate DR. Gallagher, former member of the Black mesa science team, who is hiding in the Dead end night club. You aren't able to find him...
Steredenn - это неистовый и хаотичный космический шутер, выполненный в больших красивых пикселях, с безумными битвами с боссами. Садитесь на свой корабль и вступайте в борьбу с ужа...
Blazing Lazers is a top-down shooter featuring 9 levels of varied and fast-paced action. The story here is the usual save-the-world variety. You must pilot your ship against 8 supe...
Hurtworld is a hardcore multiplayer survival FPS with a focus on deep survival progression that doesn't become trivial once you establish some basic needs. Built for hardcore gamer...
Space Dave! is a fixed shooter similar to Space Invaders. It is a spiritual successor to Woah Dave!
The Wolf of Wall Street... with lasers. You’re the newly appointed CEO of Vostok Inc. As a greedy, space-capitalist your ultimate goal is to get filthy stinking rich! Pilot your ow...
Seraph - это основанный на навыках акробатический шутер с боковой прокруткой. Играйте за ангела, известного как Серафим, который борется за то, чтобы восстановить свою утраченную с...
Join the Laser Disco Defenders on their quest to defeat the evil Lord Monotone and prevent him from using the coveted Mirror Moon to force the galaxy into dancing along to his, and...
В Далеком космосе инопланетный вид, Тоно Джиан, сражается со своими собственными искусственными созданиями, чтобы найти пригодные для жизни планеты. Проект искусственного интеллект...
Dimension Drive - это космический шутер, который бросает вызов вашим навыкам совершенно по-новому. Играйте в две игры одновременно в этом двойном безумии battlefield, действие кото...
Gunheart - это кооперативный шутер, созданный с нуля для виртуальной реальности. Вы и ваши друзья будете обитать в роботизированных охотниках за головами, пытающихся заработать на...
Fear the Wolves drops players, in squads or as lone wolves, into the oppressive environments of a radiation-ravaged Chernobyl. The classic Battle Royale mode forces them to fight t...
Soda Crisis is a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter game. You play a mysterious character of unknown origin, equipped with advanced high-tech gears and fierce combating skills - def...
Ever wanted to play a game where you don't have to waste even one second on the tutorial? Where the only thing you have to do is destroy aliens, rake in cash, flirt with the shopke...
A game developed by a team at Digital Extremes. It was described as a competitive FPS with deck-building elements. Unfortunately, the game didn't attract players fast enough to s...
TeraBlaster - это микроигра в жанре аркадного шутера сверху вниз, которая черпает вдохновение в Geometry Wars. Сразитесь с ордами врагов на случайно сгенерированных уровнях, вызови...
ZeroRanger is a vertically scrolling 2D shoot'em up with heavy emphasis on shooting, dodging and... mystery? A menacing alien threat, GREEN ORANGE, has begun its invasion. Only tw...
The iOS port of BioShock is a completely functional version of the original game with a graphics engine optimized for iOS devices. The mechanics are identical to the original game...
Get ready for post-apocalyptic robot combat! Follow the story of Epoch, a guardian robot on a quest to fulfill his primary function in a world blasted by war. Use your quick reflex...
Straimium Immortaly - это шмуп-рогалик, похожий на подземного краулера. Исследуйте процедурно сгенерированный кубикус, сражаясь со зверями, разграбляя бесконечные улучшения предмет...
Silkworm is a classic horizontally-scrolling shoot-em-up. The main difference between this game and many other side-scrolling shoot-em-ups is that you will be on land as well as in...
Mortal Blitz переносит игры-стрелялки из аркадных игровых центров на платформу виртуальной реальности и позволяет вам испытать совершенно новый опыт VR-экшена от 1-го лица.