Hazuki Dies: She Has No Name is a tactical rhythm RPG featuring a frail doctor in training named Hazuki who struggles with her new life of being part of a criminal organization dis...
A short and surreal dream exploration game created for the Dream Diary Jam 4 event and submitted as a traditional Yume Nikki fangame. Go to bed and dream of strange islands across...
Tuneria is a music-focused RPG inspired by games such as Golden Sun, Ocarina of Time, Chrono Trigger, and To the Moon. Tuneria is a 2d RPG where you can use your keyboard to hold f...
Experience the battles of the Chronicles of a Dark Lord series in this rhythm-based combat game.
Music is a lamp that illuminates the hearts in the midst of despair. However, on a certain day around 2020 in the Western calendar, the Dissonant Meteorite suddenly flew down from...
Psycho Dreams is a surreal psychological horror game inspired by Yume Nikki, with deep atmosphere, interesting mysteries and exciting story inspired by the best visual novel games!
Это восхитительная вечеринка! В этом приложении Pinkalicious & Peterrific ™ дети используют свое воображение и творческие способности, чтобы спланировать и оформить вечеринку с Pin...
Loop is a vibrant Contemplative Puzzle Game; where you and your companion travel through a mysterious, ethereal temple. During this Journey, you will traverse many riddles and face...
UNDERTALE's parallel story, DELTARUNE. Meet new and old characters in a tale that steps closer to its end, chapter by chapter. Dodge bullets in nonviolent RPG battles as you listen...
Crypt of the NecroDancer: Synchrony is a massive new content pack for Crypt of the NecroDancer! It adds online multiplayer (co-op and vs), three new characters, full mod support (a...